This interviewed was conducted by Harry Henry.

*Media* : May We know you Sir?

*Answer* : My name is Comrade Dennis Osere, MD/CEO Osere Denco Ltd. An entrepreneur with a very humble background. I started my business career here in Onelga as a street trader who believes in working very hard to survive, i was selling petty commodity on the streets of omoku, later became an ‘okada man’ riding motor bike here in this same omoku, so when i see people selling on the streets and people riding bikes I understand what it is, I had a very humble begining but it was a starting point

*Media* : Looking at your achievement one would be tempted to say you inherited all these from your Parents or its been a bed of roses for you all these years, whats the secret?

*Answer* : hahaha…I will tell you something, I discovered God’s hand is upon my life, if God is with you, you will know if you pay close attention, right from the beginning, i saw God’s miraculous moves upon my life while growing up and over the years i begin to understand why God allowed me go through the process. As long as you remain committed in doing the right thing in every position you find yourself, God will always show up for you. I have worked in different companies and perfomed credibly, it’s been a journey for me

*Media* : lets talk about your followership, you have been able to attract so many People to your circle what is the secret or is it because of your money?

*Answer* : Not really, the Bible says when the righteous prosper the people rejoice, when the righteous rule the people are happy. I have wined and dined with the down trodden, I work closely with the grassroot that’s why most people in Onelga appreciate what God is doing through me. Above all God has blessed me With Spiritual gifts where men can see the light through me. The Blessing of God brought about other channels of Grace that I carry. God gave a vision called the Home of Wisdom, where God has proven to everyone who attends that prayer meeting that He has His hand on me, people have seen what God is doing and they are marvelled of course they will follow, that if God can do it for Osere He can do it for them.

*Media* : Tell us about the Home of Wisdom

*Answer* : We have several testimonies at the Home of wisdom since we started at the Home of Wisdom every Friday morning, 2years ago there had never been rain fall to disrupt our service, is that not a proof of God’s love? Let me tell you just one incident, while having service in one of our Friday prayer meetings, there was a case of a fierce looking Live Cow runing into the premises and this cow practically was looking out to harm me or any other worshipper but you know what God wanted to proof himself, the Angels of God lifted the COW and smashed it on the floor, no human hand did that not until after the fall before people rushed to evacuate the Cow, it was as difficult to even take the Cow away from the gate because it was as ao weak to move, See attached Video. We have several testimoniee at the Home of Wisdom, So when people see the hand of God they are convinced to come close. The home of Wisdom started like our normal daily devotion with my staff only but later started expanding with great testimonies. so….

*Media* : We have Osere Denco Fast food that can compete with the best we have in PH City, Osere Denco Filling Station massive, Osere Denco Fish Farm with over 5-thousand fishes of different sizes, Osere Denco Dredger, Osere denco Equipment Leasing…etc… Bros, All these Sited Here in Omoku, what manner of love are you displaying for your people because this will improve the economic life of Onelgans and Surrounding towns?

*Answer:* You see when God blesses you through a source, you have to give back to that source in appreciation, It has been a journey for me here in Onelga, Ogba Egbema Ndoni is a blessed land, there is so much to discover and achieve here. God gave us oil and gas to help us diversify so there is need to develop the land. I gie Maximum Respect to my Indefatigable Boss, whose life style and foot print i have followed, Bro Felix Amechi Obuah (Go Round). Today by the Grace of God after Eze Orashi, my Boss Obuah i am the second largest employer of Labour. This is due to the several business outfits I run and the contracts i do with Nigeria Agip Oil Company. I want to see Onelga youths properly engaged, I am passionate about making Onelga great again and that is what i am doing. Let me use this opportunity to appeal to every Onelgan who is blessed to contribute their own quota, by investing in the land of Onelga, we see this LGA becoming an envious one in the states and the nation.

*Media:* It is a political season, where do you stand

*Answer:* As for me and my people we are Simplified, we will come out en mass and vote Siminialayi Fubara for Governor, Our dear governor Wike has done well for Rivers People, every LGA in the State has massive project of Governor Wike, the Government attention is registered. Because of the good works of Wike in the State, there is no much economic pressure in the state compared to other states. When a Righteous Man is on the throne that’s what you see, When somebody has done well, it’s good to recognise it and say it, Wike has done well. God showed me three(3) people after His heart, _Papa David Ibiyeomie,_ _Governor Wike_ and _My humble self_ , I will not forget it. I told anyone who cares to listen that Governor Wike is not the type of Governor you fight even after he has exited office because God’s hand is upon him, Yes he has his weakness but God’s ways are not our ways, God looks at the heart. I am convinced that SIM will consolidate on the achievement of his predecessor.

Thank you for your time.

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By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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