Very Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia, the Catholic Priest who joined a political party, purchased its gubernatorial form, and has now gone on to win the primaries under APC.

Catholic Bishop in Benue State suspended him because it’s against the church law to hold political position and also a priest at the same time.

Fr. Alia has acknowledged and accepted the decision of his Bishop in good faith, knowing full well that the Bishop has merely exercised his legitimate authority in accordance with Church law.

Not everyone has agreed that being Governor and Priest at the same time can amount to a clash of interests, with far reaching consequences.

My best guess is that Fr Alia understands that being a Governor of a state and being a Priest at the same time can make things too dicey for him. This suspension might have been for him, ‘a blessing in disguise.’

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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