State of the Nation:
True Federalism Or Regional System Is The Only Way Out – HRH Eze Christopher Wonodi.

Dez Mayorz Report.

His Royal Highness, Eze Christopher Wonodi JP, the Eze Mbam Abali, Eze Rishi Ohia Xii, Rebisi Kingdom, Port Harcourt, has called on the Nigerian leaders to embrace the “True Federalism” as a solution to the nation crisis.

He told Online Media Practitioners to use their platforms to promote the nation, especially now that the world is a global village and close to us.

His Highness told Online Media Practitioners to ensure that our nation grows with other nations and not to be left behind.

This and more he said when Dez Mayorz Media, newsmen and Online Media Practitioners (OMPAN) visited him in his Palace.
He encouraged all Nigerians to put hands together and make our nation great.

Endorsing the prestigious DMOMA Awards, he advised Online Media Practitioners to sell the country to the world with their good publication.
Says he knows that Dez Mayorz Media and other bloggers have the capacity to use the platform to tumble the country in a minute and also has the capacity to build it gradually.
Urged them to choose building the nation accordingly.

Below is the brief Media chat HRH Eze Christopher Wonodi JP had with Online Media Practitioners in his Palace in Port Harcourt:

*On the call for restructuring and secession by Nigerians*

HRH Eze Christopher Wonodi:
Our Leaders are not leading us rightly.
There was a country as Chinua Achebe rightly said.

The police force are no longer working, if you report any police case now, they won’t even listen to you.

Only Power failure in Nigeria can cause serious war in the country.
The electricity system is so poor.
They budget billions for electricity but nothing to show for it.
What does it take to solve Nigerian electricity problems?

“To rob Peter and give Paul” is evil. That’s what the they do.
Oil is not the only mineral resources in Nigeria, we have gold, uranium, etc, but it’s only the oil that is sustaining the country. Other states hide and mine their resources alone.

The country is getting worse compare to previous years.
Out leaders should go for True Federalism. That’s the only way out, if we have to be one.
Let’s every state and LGA control their resources.
The center can not hold anyone.

You will soon here “There was a country called Nigeria and not Biafra”.
The foundation of the country is shallow and poor.
We still follow decrees and not constitution in Nigeria.
Military regime is even better.

*On the National Assembly coming to various zones to review the national Constitution….*

HRH Eze Christopher Wonodi JP:
This is not the first time the national assembly are reviewing the constitution.
The National Assembly should come out straight and stop playing pranks,
because playing pranks can not solve Nigerian problem.
We are still being ruled by military decree they called Acts.
Nigeria should go back to True Federalism or return to our regional system that favoured us.
This is the only way out, for peace and development to foster.

*On the current Rivers State insecurity and Curfew.*

HRH Eze Christopher Wonodi:
Gov Wike is playing his role.
What can he do.
The Nigerian police are not working anymore and the State Government is trying to curtail the excesses.
Our prayers is that the boys should not come out to operate in a broad daylight and start challenging everybody.
Unemployment is the major cause, no smoke without fire, they might be fully sponsored.
During the time MASSOB and IPOB were campaigning for Biafra with just flags without any gun, they were massacred for no reason, the families of the victims might be part of people trying to revenge the killings of their loved ones.
The Government and leaders played non challant attitude towards it but now it concerns all.

*On Port Harcourt City traditional heritage and the donts in Rebisi Kingdom.*

HRH Christopher Wonodi:
Candidly, Port Harcourt is a metropolitan city and some of our traditional practices are fading as development and Christianity grows.

Our people hate blood letting. We don’t kill. Survival and supremacy tussle is done via wrestling competition in the olden days but now wicked people use bottle, knife and even gun to hurt or kill someone.
That’s condemnable.
There is sacrifices we usually do to curtail whatever that causes the flair.

There is a special day we call “Riagbo” a day we worship in those days.
It’s like nowadays Sunday.
That’s the day our ancestors worship. We don’t farm nor work that day.
People don’t die on that day either,
If anyone dies that day, we consider it as taboo.
And our men will sit at our stream (GRA) to take Palm wine and tell stories to our young ones.
But now, Christianity has taken over everything.

For more clarification, our kingdom cut across Borokiri (comprehensive), where our people saw the white people for the first time and taught they are God of thunder, said they have seen the son of ‘God of thunder’ and they ran away then.

We have enough land and GRA used to be our farmland and stream, then.
I wish we could go back to the olden days of peaceful existence.

*On Gov Wike flyover projects and other projects in Rivers State*

HRH Christopher Wonodi: Wonderful!
It’s commendable.
Gov Wike focuses on infrastructures and roads (quality projects,roads and Flyovers) in his administration, when next administration comes, should focus on something else like education and by so doing, everywhere will be developed.

In conclusion, the Oroabali Paramount ruler blessed the Online Media Practitioners, Endorsed DMOMA Awards and promised to fully support the organizers.

Dez Mayorz Report.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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