OSPAC, Military And Police Gunned Down More People Than Unknown Gunmen in Obio/Akpor LGA, Rivers State.

Information reaching Dez Mayorz Media has it that not less than five people have been gunned down by the men of the Nigerian military, Police and the Onelga Security Planning Advisory Committee, today the 13th May, 2021, around 12am middle of the night.

From the scene of event, Umuchiukwu Writers confirmed the attack on Okpulor Iriebe Community, Obi-Akpor LGA of Rivers State, where the joint Nigerian sophisticated armed security men stormed at such odd hour in search of m innocent traders and Indigenous People Of Biafra IPOB.

Narrations from residents states that, the security men attacked a particular building, shooting on sight, without any provocation.

The residents also claimed they heard gunshots, but did not know that people were killed until this morning.

The shooting left two women and three men (yet to be identified) dead, while others scampered for safety.

Other deceased were suspected to have been taking treatment as some of them were seen wearing bandages.

All Dez Mayorz Media effort to get to the Police CP on this report was futile.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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