We Love The Way Nigeria Is Structured, We Are Ready For War If Otherwise – Arewa ACF.

The Arewa Consultative Forum, ACF, has revealed that the Northern Nigerians are happy with the way the country is structured and will never support any calls for secession.

Emmanuel Yawe, the ACF’s spokesperson made the statement, adding that secession threats could even lead to a more deadlier civil war.

He said, “There is no way any part of Nigeria will secede without a civil war.
We are so integrated that it is impossible for us to sit at a conference table and allow each part to go their ways, it’s not possible, it’s not a tea party, there will be war.

If any part of Nigeria wants to secede, there will be war, maybe even more serious war than what we had before between 1967 and 1970. So, if anyone is calling for secession, he’s calling for war.

“And we in the North fought the war to keep this country together, so it will be a contradiction for those of us who tried to stop this country from breaking up to now be engaging in activities that will break this country; we don’t want this country to break up.

Nigeria is a great country as it is. We have problems but those problems are not enough for us to break up.

“We believe these problems can be remedied and these problems will only be multiplied if we go into war. We love the country.

We don’t like what some people are doing with the country but for us to have come from the biggest black nation on earth, it is an honour and we should try to preserve this honour.
We should try to see how we can use the resources we have to build a great world power.

The rest of Africa is looking up to us and they feel sad when we behave as if we want to break up the country they all look up to.
We don’t want the country to break up. It is better the way it is, even with all the problems.”

Just recently, southern Nigerian governors called for national dialogue (Restructuring) in their just concluded meeting in Delta State.

Dez Mayorz Report

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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