Biafra Acceptance.

Percentage Of People That Want Biafra in South East And South South.

Dez Mayorz Media group have come up with the statistics of people that want Biafra to emerge as an independent nation.

It took Dez Mayorz good 6 years to get the statistics from the 11 states of South South and South East. This data collection started since 2014,
starting from Gakem in Bekwerra LGA, Cross River State to Igodomigodo in Edo State.

The Statistics was gotten by our group of media personels, who entered the streets and communities to ask people of their opinion, if they want Biafra or still want one Nigeria the way it’s right now or want a restructured Nigeria.

Out of about 140 million people in Eastern Nigeria, 5 million of the people were randomly asked in all the Local Government in Eastern Nigeria.
And below is how people responded:

1. Abia State
96% of the people asked want Biafra.
3% of the people want restructured Nigeria.
0.6% people love Nigeria the way it is.
Total number of people asked = 723,016.

2. Akwa Ibom.
51% of the people want Biafra.
40% want restructured Nigeria.
9% of people love the way Nigeria is.
Total number of people asked = 328,0217.

3. Anambra State
99.3% of the people want Biafra.
0.6% want restructured Nigeria.
0.1% of the people love the way Nigeria is.
Total number of people asked = 792,820.

4. Bayelsa State.
59% of people want Biafra.
38% of the people want restructured Nigeria.
3% of the people love the way it is.
Total number of people asked = 83,020.

5. Cross Rivers
49.8% want Biafra
45.2% want restructured Nigeria.
5% love the way Nigeria is right now.
Total number of people asked = 345,002

6) Delta State.
51% of the people want Biafra.
46% want restructured Nigeria while,
3% of the people love the way it is.
Total number of people asked = 520,115.

7) Enugu State
87% of the people want Biafra.
10% want restructured Nigeria.
3% of the people love the way Nigeria.
Total number of people asked = 423,603.

8. Edo State.
38% of the people want Biafra.
63% people want restructured Nigeria.
9% of the people love the way it is.
Total number of people asked = 292,406.

9. Ebonyi State.
91% want Biafra.
7% of people want restructured Nigeria.
2% of the people love the way Nigeria is.
Total number of people asked = 203,408

10. Imo State
96% want Biafra.
3.7% want restructured Nigeria.
0.3% of people love the way Nigeria is now.
Total number of people asked = 482,010.

11. Rivers State.
58% want Biafra.
40% want restructured Nigeria.
2% love the way it is.
Total number of people asked = 1,000,232.

Total number of people asked in all the 11 states:
Abia State = 723,016
Akwa Ibom = 328,021
Anambra = 792,820
Bayelsa = 83,020
Cross Rivers= 345000
Delta State = 520,115
Enugu State = 423,603
Edo State = 292,406
Ebonyi = 203,408
Imo State = 482,010
Rivers = 1,000,232

Total = 5,193,651.

Summary (in percentage).

Biafra = 71%
Restructuring = 26%
Current Nigeria= 3%.

This statistics is exclusively obtained by Dez Mayorz group, based on street to street communication with citizens in South East and South South.

Read more below.

Biafra, officially the Republic of Biafra, was a subsumed state in West Africa that existed from May 1967 to January 1970 during the Nigerian Civil War.
Its territory consisted of the Eastern Region of Nigeria(11 States of South East and South South).
After Biafra’s declaration of independence, Nigeria declared war on the nascent state, defeating them in the Nigerian Civil War and reuniting the two states.
Now Biafran restoration agitation is at its apogee under Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s IPOB.


Okoye Chidiebele.

Stephen Woke.

Ikpor Suanu Victor.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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