How River’s Native Doctor Connived With Rundele OSPAC To Kill Hausa Men And Brutalized Igbo Man.

A well known and respected Rundele Community traditional ruler, Eze Ogbuagu Owhor has filed a serious petition on a native doctor with the name Nwavisike Eni, Rundele OSPAC Chairman and many others, for a gruesome murder of the two young Hausa men and infliction of severe injuries on one Igbo man.

Dez Mayorz Media obtained the petition addressed to the inspector General of Police Force Headquarters, Edeth House, Abuja from Celestine Omehia and Associates legal company.

Eze Ogbuagu Owhor calls on the police force to urgently intervene, arrest and prosecute the aforesaid suspects.

It was learnt that on 13th day of September, 2020, two Hausa men including an Igbo man came to see a native doctor Nwavisike Eni of Rundele Community in Emohua Local Government Area, Rivers State who duped them on “ode eshi” charm, as they came to demand from the said native doctor the money owed to them.
The native doctor instead of reaching agreement with his creditors, he arranged with Rundele OSPAC to eliminate his creditors to free himself from paying the debt.

According to the petition, the two Hausa men were brutally killed while the Igbo man was Left half dead. (Read full details on the screen shots petitions).

The petitioner calls on the Nigerian police force through his inspector General of Police, not to let this evil matter swept under the carpet or compromise, as he seeks for justice.

There is a report that Intelligent Respond Team(IRT) have made arrest on this regards but all the effort by Dez Mayorz Media to contact the IRT proved abortive.

Recently, Emohua Local Government Chairman suspended the OSPAC security outfit in the local government due to several criminalities reportedly carried out by the local security agency, with the recent disappearance of the Rundele outspoken son, Hansom Chukwu.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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