Daniel E.O, Abua/Odual LG Chairman’s Performance Rating.

Dez Mayorz Media takes a look at the performance of the Abual/Odual LGA Chairman, Hon Daniel E.O. Daniel since his emergence as the chairman of the LGA and equivalent rating based on the people’s view and reactions made.

The major projects done by the Chairman includes building of Abual Central Market, motor park, building of civic center, approval of special grants to law students among others.

Dez Mayorz Media, together with the Seefood NGO rate Abua/Odual LGA Chairman Daniel E.O. Daniel 19% in performance.

Abua–Odual is a Local Government Area in Rivers State, Nigeria. Its headquarters is located in Ayama/Abua Central Abua.

It has an area of 704 km² and a population of 410,988 and recieves average allocation of #197,000,000.

Dez Mayorz Media continues an independent research and findings carried out to access and rate the performance of the LG Chairman on security, infrastructure, Youth empowerment and acceptance, job creation, accessibility, security, Health and other vital sectors, in the last three years.

Abua (Abuan) is a riverine kingdom in the Abua–Odual LGA of Rivers State, Nigeria, located 10 miles from Port Harcourt.
Main occupation: fishing, hunting and farming.
In Abua the wet season is warm and overcast, while the drier season is mostly hot and cloudy.

Input, suggestions or any information about any LGA chairman’s in Rivers State on this regards is welcomed and the info can be sent for verification to this email- [email protected].
And can as well be Whatsapped to us via – 08035586768

The LGA Chairman rated includes:,
Abua/Odual LGA
Emohua LGA
Ogu/Bolo LGA
Ahoada East LGA
Eleme LGA
Okrika LGA
Ahoada West LGA
Etche LGA
Omumma LGA
Akuku Toru LGA.
Gokana LGA
Opobo/Nkoro LGA
Andoni LGA
Ikwerre LGA.
Oyigbo LGA
Asari-Toru LGA
Khana LGA
Port-Harcourt LGA.
Bonny LGA
Obia/Akpor LGA
Degema LGA

DezMayorz.org report.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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