Opobo/Nkoro: Enyiada Cookey-Gam Emerged PDP Flag Bearer.

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Opobo/Nkoro Local Government Area Chairmanship primary election was successful on February 14, 2021 at the Party Secretariat in Opobo town, as Hon Enyiada Cookey-Gam emerged PDP flag bearer.

Hon Enyiada Cookey-Gam was nominated for 2020 DMOMA as the best performing councillor in South East and South South part of Nigeria, and giving him a LGA Chairmanship position is a well deserved good step forward.

The Opobo/Nkoro LGA, PDP Chairmanship Flag Bearer will contest with other party flag bearers in the coming LGA election comes April 17, 2021.

The Executive Chairman of Opobo/Nkoro LGA Hon Eugene Joshua Jaja expressed satisfaction on the conduct of the primary election, stating that Hon Enyiada Cookey-Gam emergence as the party Chairmanship flag bearer is a good one based on bringing the youths to the front burner. As a leader of the legislative council, Hon Enyiada Cookey-Gam has demonstrated competency and zeal for greater task.

In his acceptance speech, the Chairmanship flag bearer of the PDP in Opobo/Nkoro Rt. Hon. Enyiada Cookey-gam thanked God almighty and the leadership of the party for finding him worthy of flying the party’s flag in Opobo/Nkoro and promised to carry everyone along in the LGA.

The DMOMA Award Nominee, Hon Enyiada Cookey-Gam equally said that as a youth ambassador, he will embark on projects that will benefit everyone in the LGA.

Also, One Million Youths For New Rivers State, Opobo/Nkoro chapter, have also congratulated HON ENYIADA COOKEY-GAM.

They refer the DMOMA Award Nominee as a well calculated risk-taking personel with so much capacity, who has proved his ability and qualities as a great leader with vision, courage, integrity, humility, strategic, planning, focus,

cooperation and a positive attitude.

Dez Mayorz report.

Credit: Meshach Alaputa Jaja, CPA.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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