PHALGA: NUJ Secretary congraulates Alwell Ihunda.

The Secretary of the Nigerian Union of Journalists {NUJ), Rivers State chapter who also won DMOMA award Media Personality of the year(Male) in Eastern Nigeria, Ike Wigodo, has congratulated the incoming Port Harcourt City Local Government Chairman, Alwell Ihunda.

Alwell Ihunda emerged the PDP Port Harcourt City LGA flag bearer for the coming Local Government Area election in Rivers State.

Hon Ike Wigodo congratulated Alwell Ihunda and refers him as an experience team player who is smart, calm and a perfect gentleman.

Below is Ike Wigodo full congratulatory message obtained by Dez Mayorz Media:


Today, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) concluded her chairmanship primaries in preparation for the forth coming Local Government Council Elections in Rivers State.

Upon conclusion of the primaries across the 23 Local Government Areas of the state, some Council chairmen were returned to fly the party’s flag while others were not fortunate enough to take another shot at the plum job.

In Port Harcourt City Local Government Area, Sir Alwell Ihunda picked the ticket to fly the PDP’s flag for the forthcoming election slated for the 17th of April this year.

The writer commends those who were involved in the process, believing that the process was not made to witchhunt anybody but to serve and represent the interest of the greater good of the party and phalgarians at large.

Investigations by this writer reveal that Sir Ihunda is a team player and grassroots mobilizer who is resourceful and poseses the sagacity and necessary experience required for the leadership role.

It was noted that majority of party members have applauded the choice of Sir Ihunda by the People’s Democratic Party in Port Harcourt.

The writer however, wishes to advise the incoming Council Chairman that the task ahead is enormous and should strive to justify the confidence reposed on him by the stakeholders and the entire people of Phalga.

The jubilations that greeted his emergence as flag bearer of the party by PDP faithfuls also indicate that he would make a good leader, is fit for the job and a square peg in a square hole.

Ihunda has been described as a simple, calm and charming gentleman who always attracts goodwill because of his calm and charming disposition.

It was learnt that last year, he showered widows in the Local Government Area with cash and material gift items and other humanitarian gestures he has undertaken to better the lot of people in the LGA.

The prayers of many are that he comes up with development plans that would catapult the State capital to becoming a business hub as he succeeds as Mayor of Port Harcourt City.

Congratulations Ihunda!!!???????.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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