Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has threatened to form a security outfit in the Northern part of the country. Kanu said IPOB will form its security outfits in Northern states predominated by Fulanis. In a statement he signed, the IPOB leader again reiterated that the Miyetti Allah security outfit would be expelled from the Southeast.

Kanu also warned the Federal Government against supporting Miyetti Allah to form security outfit in the Southeast. He said: “Given the overwhelming evidence that the Fulanized Federal Government has given its tacit blessing to Miyetti Allah to proceed with this sinister move, the IPOB has resolved to take the following immediate steps: “The IPOB will, henceforth, regard as a hostile and occupying force any Fulani poses, whether deceptively called a security outfit or vigilante found anywhere in Biafraland.

Accordingly, the IPOB will take appropriate measures to expel such force, measure for measure.

“If the Fulani Federal Government attempts to assist or otherwise enable Miyetti Allah to stay put in Biafraland, the IPOB will escalate its response to include but not limited to equally forming counter.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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