Buhari health status.

Panic, tension in Aso Villa over Buhari’s health again * Daily Watch

*Invited Uk doctors advised immediate UK trip
*suspected to have collapse twice in one week.

They seem to be serious but palpable tension and panic in Aso Rock Vila the seat of power, following confidential reports reaching DEZ MAYORZ NIGERIA  that the President Mohammadu Buhari may be forced to travel to the UK following what the UK Doctors termed ‘need for serious medical attention, observations’.
Daily watch Sources in the Aso Rock Villa in Abuja confided in the paper that but for the Elections and Campaigns ongoing the President would have left the Country on a so called Holiday but in truth Medical treatment in the UK as the UK Doctors said to have entered the Country weeks ago advised for quick and fast Medical attention and Observation of the President who they claimed has overworked himself as against the severe caution given to him by his medical team in UK.

Daily Watch Sources has it that the handover of Camping of the APC to Tinubu and Osibanjo by President Mohammadu Buhari is as a result of what close associates termed as safety clutch if the President must remain alive since any attempt to undertake the real campaign rigors would end in fiasco.
Sources in the Villa also confirmed that the President within one Week has collapse twice prompting serious panic, tension and fear in the Villa among members of the Cabal who seemed bent on the President return in 2019 even in crutches for their own pecuniary reasons and gains.
Daily watch Sources in the Villa Confirmed that the President as at Present is clothed in more than one apparel and clothing to help reduce the impact of the weather on him as he is supposed to be totally indoors and under warm environment as the Present weather is said to be inimical to his conditions hence if he must come out he must be clothed in two to three apparels o reduce the impact of the weather on him.
While the Doctors are said to have advised immediate movement to the hospital, close Political associates are begging for a little more time so as to allow the President t move after the 2019 elections to which the doctors are seriously against due to what they termed serious and urgent medical attention in a normal medical environment.
While Daily Watch has not been able to get an independent confirmation on the Collapse of the President twice in a week, it can be confirmed that the idea of a Bola Tinubu leading APC Campaign is a strategic move to hide and protect the President from his serious health Challenges for which the UK Doctors cautioned seriously and warned medically.
Daily watch series of attempts to get independent confirmation from the media team of the President and close associates was not possible as everyone seemed unwilling to comment when the topic concerns the health status of the President.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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