

PDP,APC AND IPOB by Elochukwu Nicholas

PDP people won’t stop to amaze me. I heard some PDP people are vowing that come 2019, they will liberate, save and rescue Nigeria from Mohammad Buhari. They have perfected their plan to steal power through making it seem as if Buhari alone is the major Nigeria problem.

I have for long looked from PDP to APC and from APC back to PDP, and I can see nothing but same people under different acronym. One thing APC have said that I know is true is the fact that for past 16 long years, PDP has destroyed Nigeria. Yes, I voted for Jonathan. I saw what he did. My campaign and vote for him wasn’t about PDP.
Just like APC, PDP is about using same tactics. Buhari has killed Nigeria, the people if care is not taken will buy it, might snatch power from APC.
Nothing actually changed with APC taking power. Things became worse. In APC, PDP retained power and the destruction continued. It was PDP members that formed APC, it’s still APC members that are today decamping back to PDP. What a vicious circle.

I know that for this PDP group, it’s about snatching power from APC. It’s never about salvaging Nigeria. APC resurrected an old Fulani tyrant and religious bigot and made him president. Today, PDP is about resurrecting an old Fulani corrupt thief. Enough of all these show of selfishness.

Biafrans should not allow anybody fool them with WE MUST REMOVE BUHARI decoy to snatch power. Buhari is just one among many of Nigeria’s problems. Removing Buhari and replacing him with another known corrupt thief changes nothing. No body will give you restructuring, except Mazi Nnamdi Kanu whom both PDP and APC invaded his House and kidnapped. The northern controlled Federal Houses won’t give you restructuring. Only Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s IPOB that have the power to force Nigeria to the dialogue and bargaining table, but you lots supported your oppressors against your helper.

This is why I am going to support IPOB boycott of 2019 election in Biafra Land. This is why we are going to lockdown South East and South South on the presidential election day. We will do this with all our strength.

Nigeria can’t be rescued. Not by PDP or APC.



If you think otherwise, then tell me your plan towards achieving a restructured Nigeria.

Elochukwu Nicholas Ohagi Writes for Family Writers Press.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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