Collyns Owhonda.

Written by Okoye Chidiebele.

Phalga 2019: Why Igo Chinda and Barilliant Amadi should quietly step down for sir Collyns Owhondah.

About 3 aspirants have picked the APC intention form for Rivers state Port Harcourt Phalga Federal Constituency 2. They include Sir Collyns Owhondah, Brilliant Amadi and Igo Chinda. They are all good aspirants ready for primaries and the best and choicest aspirant remain Sir Collyns Owhonda based on people’s choice, acceptability, party leaders choice, experience, popularity and ability to win the main election.

The right thing Igo Chinda and brilliant should do is to quietly step down for Hon Collyns Owhonda and support him in time.

Looking into facts beyond sentiments: Sir Collyns Owhondah have paid his dues beyond other aspirants. The only aspirants who challenged PDP when APC was not yet stable and strong in Rivers State. Using his personal time, treasure and talent to campaign for the party since 2014 till date.

During Voters card registration, Collyns Owhondah supported and encouraged Phalga people to register and get their PVC, other aspirants were no where to be found, they were in Abuja Maybe. During 2015 election, one of the aspirants cornered and hide some APC money made for Collyns Owhondah election instead to useful use it, he pocketed it and used it for his personal use…..

Collyns Owhonda is accommodating, tested, experienced, reliable, and most popular. Below will prove more why other APC aspirants for Phalga Federal Constituency 2 should Step down for good.:

The man Sir Hon Collyns Owhonda  basically and personally didn’t want to contest, but Port Harcourt people were like -if not Collyns Owhondah, then no one… . For the love of his people, he decided to contest.

Before taking the decision after wide consultations with major and grassroot leaders of Phalga Fed. Constituency 2. To salvage the short-changed people of the Constituency in human and infrastructural development, he has been a renowned philanthropist and a human capacity building facilitator to indigenous and non- indigenes , indigent people, physically challenged people, cooperate organizations, Religious groups, Schools, Communities living within and out his Constituency.

Sir Hon Collyns Owhonda has been into the business of public administration as a licensed Real Estate Valuer. Having under his employment people from all works of life, tribe, faith and educational qualifications. As a technocrats, when become a law maker, he will effectively make good laws that will favour his people.

The incoming House of Reps member(Sir Collyns Owhondah) is seasoned technocrat who is detribalised and respects the views and advises of those around him. Given his goodwill and zeal for continuous improvement, the good people of Port Harocut Fed. Constituency 2 unanimously pressured him to come and salvage the situation on the Constituency from the claws of failure and collapse.

Little wonder, as a free giver and the hope of the common man, who has made his mark on the sands of time. Various social and non social groups, communities, Churches, associations recognized his contributions to mankind through enviable meritorious awards which includes;

* Dez Mayorz Online Media Award 2018 (DMOMA AWARD).
* Award of Excellence from the Entertainment industry for his unflinching support to the industry.
* A Meritorious Award from immaculate Heart College Borikiri in appreciation for his support for grassroot education.
* An award of excellence from Nkpolu Oroworukwo youths for his humanitarian service to mankind.
* A golden friend award by immaculate Heart Catholic Church Mile 3 Diobu Port Harcourt in recognition of his valuable service and contributions to the growth of the Church.
* An award by TON Community Development Foundation in recognition of his selfless service to the society and humanity.
* An award of honour from Catholic Men Organization (CMO) as a Faith Promoter.
* An award of honour from Nkpolu Oroworukwo for his meritorious service to his Community.
* An excellence award from the Nigerian Institute of Estate Surveyors and Valuers Rivers State Branch for his successful hosting of NIESV and the appointment of its members into Government.
* A distinguished award as a pillar of entertainment in Niger Delta during the Miss Niger Delta Peace Pageant.
* The South South Youth Assembly award as a grand patron.
* Sir Hon Collyns Owhonda has his Certificate of Compliance from the Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration Board of Nigeria.
* A meritorious award from Catholic Women Organization for his steadfast support.
* And presentation of trophy to Sir Collyns Owhonda House, Nkpolu Oroworukwo Community School.

Sir Hon Collyns Owhonda’s pre-political profile speaks volume of his various contributions to the growth of humanity and social development.

He is the kind of Representative, the Port Harcourt Federal Constituency 2 deserves. The modern politician.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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