2. As we all know, our democracy constantly reminds us of the need to render periodic accounts to our people, to whom and for whom we hold that mandate in trust.

3. Since taking the oath of office, we are always excited to discharge this responsibility at every opportunity. Yesterday marks the end of our 3rd year in office, and so we are here today to present to you our scorecard of the last three years.

4. Let my therefore welcome and thank you all for honouring our invitation. Your presence in your numbers shows not only your interest in our administration, but also, and most importantly, the harmony that exists among us as one people, although buffeted by different challenges but bound by a common destiny.

5. Before we assumed office we made a lot of promises as the bases for seeking your mandate. We have also invested time, efforts and resources to fulfill these promises.

6. Lest we forget, we all know the state of our State, especially the very poor state of our economy before we took over the mantle of leadership.

7. However, despite the challenges, we remained undaunted, focused and determined to make the difference we had promised.

8. Today, we are here to celebrate the achievements we have made in implementing our development agenda. We are boldly and progressively delivering on our promises to our State and our people.

9. But, before I go on to the details of what our administration has delivered, permit me to express our gratitude to the Speaker and members of the Rivers State House of Assembly for their commitment to the progress of the State. They supported us not only with appropriations but also with the laws that we needed to deliver our development agenda.

10. Similarly, let me also commend the State’s judiciary for what it has been doing to peacefully settle disputes and advance the socio-economic development of the State. This shows that unlike what we had, the three arms of Government are all working cooperatively to advance the common good and progress of our State.

11. As you al know, we are working hard to democratize the local government system with local government elections already fixed for the 16th of June 2018. This is a very crucial opportunity for us to elect our leaders at the grassroots that we can hold accountable to deliver basic services to enhance the quality of life.

12. As I speak to you, there is no legal obstacle to the holding of this election. It will hold throughout the State in all the 4442 units.

13. I wish to therefore appeal to all eligible voters to come out in your numbers on the Election Day to vote for the candidates of your choice and enable our local government councils to be properly and democratically governed.

14. As I had earlier said, it is 36 months since we took over the mantle of leadership in Rivers State. Before we assumed office, we made fundamental promises and entered into a social pact on several issues that touch on the progress of the State and the wellbeing of the people.

15. Therefore, it is my pleasure to, once again, account to our people on what we have done with the mandate and the resources put at our disposal in the last three years:

Accountable and caring governance

16. When we took office, we promised an open, transparent and accountable government. Three years after, we have changed the trajectory of governance from the failures of the past to one that cares and works for the people with our hands constantly placed on the plough of service.

Administration of justice

17. When we came in, we inherited a judiciary completely displaced from its purpose. The courts were deliberately placed under lock and key; both strands of the court system had no recognized heads; lawyers and their families suffered untold hardship, while crime rates, self-help and lawlessness increased.

18. To redress this situation, we promised:

· not to interfere in the administration of justice and the appointment of judicial officers;

· resolve the impasse in the appointment of substantive Chief Judge for the State and re-open the courts for business;

· ensure the judiciary is financially independent, self-accounting and on the first-line charge in the State’s consolidated fund;

· give priority attention to the welfare of judicial officers and magistrates., and

· equip the courts to improved their operational efficiency and ensure speedy dispensation of justice;

19. Today, we are proud to say that we have achieved all these promises and even more. We have since appointed new heads of our courts and filled all existing vacancies in the State’s High Court and Customary Court of Appeal.

20. As a matter of fact, we did not promise to intervene in federal courts in the State, but we have built and furnished the most modern courthouses in the country for the Port Harcourt Divisions of the Federal High Court and the National Industrial Court.

21. We have also reconstructed and modernized the Port Harcourt Division of the Court of Appeal complex. We also built an ultra-modern secretariat for the Port Harcourt branch of the Nigerian Bar Association.

22. We have done so pursuant to our quest to make Port Harcourt a regional judicial hub and the best place where judicial officers, lawyers and litigants can have all the comfort that they need to dispense justice and receive judicial services as the case may be.

23. We also attended to the wellbeing of all our judges, and magistrates with brand new cars to enhance their comfort and movement.

24. As we speak, work on the first phase of the new judges quarters, comprising of 20 5-bedroom luxurious duplexes, as part of our new housing plan for judicial officers, is progressing satisfactorily.

25. Arguably, our Judiciary is not only independent; it is one of the most resourced, respected and active Judiciary in the country and Rivers State today ranks as the place with the most modern judicial infrastructure in the country.

Advancing Education

26. In 2015 we promised to revitalize and reposition our educational system and expand access to our children to quality education at all levels. To achieve these objectives, we committed ourselves to:

· Progressively increase budgetary allocations for the funding of education;

· Effectively implement the Universal Basic Education sachem;

· Renovate and adequately equip all secondary schools;

· Ensure regular monitoring of schools for greater accountability and efficiency;

· Improve educational infrastructure in our tertiary education schools.

27. In the last three years, advancing education in the State is another promise we have kept. For instance, budgetary allocation has progressed from 5 per cent in 2014 to over 10 per cent in 2018.

28. For basic education, we have:

· cleared all salary arrears owed to teachers and school security contractors before we assumed office;

· reinstated the regular inspection of schools for accountability and quality assurance;

· ensured the regular payment of teachers and pensioners salaries and allowances as a matter of priority; and

· accessed the Federal Government’s grants for basic education for years 2014, 2015 and 2016.

· reconstructed 175 primary schools, including classroom blocks, landscaping and the provision of water, toilet facilities and power generators;

· supplied furniture and equipment to 96 primary and Junior Secondary Schools;

· supplied sports and information and communication Technology equipment to a record number of Primary and Junior Secondary Schools.

· provided training to basic education teachers across the State; and

· completed the construction of the Headquarters building of the State Universal Basic Education Board.

29. For senior secondary education, we have:

· Upgraded 11 junior secondary schools senior secondary schools,

· Cleared all salaries owed to teachers and security contractors in the State’s secondary schools;

· Ensured the regular payment of salaries to the secondary school teachers, pensioners and other staff;

· Subsidizing registration fees for Rivers State students undertaking the West African School Certificate Examination (WAEC) and the National Examination Council Examination (NECO);

· Sustained provision of science equipment, chemicals, materials and consumables to all secondary schools in the State for WASSCE and NECO examinations;

· Stopped the collection of illegal fees by school heads;

· Completed and commissioned the Technical and Vocational Training Centre (TVC) along Isaac Boro street, GRA, Port Harcourt; and

· embarked on the reconstruction of 13 Secondary Schools, out of which six have been completed, furnished and equipped:


Name of School



Government Girls Secondary School, Rumuokwuta



Birabi Memorial Grammar School, Bori



Nyemoni Grammar School Abbonema



Government Secondary School, Ogu



Government Secondary School, Onne



Bonny National Grammar School, Bonny



Community Secondary School, Bille



Government Secondary School, Okarki



Western Ahoada County High School, Ahoada



Government Secondary School, Abua



Community Secondary School, Ubima



Model Primary School, Mgbuosimini, Rumueme,



Construction Of Model Primary School, Abara Etche


30. The scope of reconstruction work for each and every of these schools is extensive. It includes, reconstructing:

· Classrooms and teachers’ quarters

· Science and arts laboratories,

· Sports and recreational facilities;

· Dedicated water sources and power generator for regular electricity;

· Perimeter fencing and gate for improved security;

· New hostel blocks;

· Assembly halls

31. For the Rivers State University, we promised to:

(i) 31. For the Rivers State University, we promised to:

(i) recall the illegally dismissed lecturers and pay them all their financial entitlements;

(ii) provide and expand the infrastructure needs of the university;

(iii) ensure the accreditation of all programmes denied accreditation;

(iv) strengthen its autonomy of the University without relegating Government’s support; and

(v) establish a faculty of medical sciences to train and produce medical professionals for the State and the nation’s healthcare systems.

32. Today, we have fully delivered on all these promises. After recalling the dismissed staff and restoring normalcy, we proceeded to upscale infrastructure in the University, and within this period, delivered new faculty buildings for the faculties of:

§ Law

§ Management Sciences

§ Science and Technical Education, and

§ Medical Sciences

33. We also provided N200 million infrastructural development fund each to the Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Port Harcourt; the Kenule Beason Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori, and the Ignatius Ajuru University, Rumuolumeni. This fund is presently funding various infrastructural projects in these institutions.

34. We are also renovating all the structures in the Rivers State School of Nursing and Midwifery and possibly upgrade it to a degree awarding institution.

35. Finally scholarship programme with the PAMO University of Medical Sciences to train 100 students of Rivers State origin for the next five years has taking has taking off with the admission of the first set of students by the University.

36. It is clear that in three years, we are seriously advancing the State’s education system, improving access, quality and equity in ways that inspire hope and confidence for the future greatness of our State and our people.

Growing the economy, empowering the people

37. In 2015, we inherited a broken economy and a hopeless future with drastic decline in revenues, piles of debts and a very difficult business environment. For us to revitalize and grow our economy, we promised to:

§ mobilized resources from all possible sources to fund development projects and recurrent expenditure

· prioritized the payment of salaries to civil servants and pensioners;

· invested over 70 percent of the capital budget on the provision of infrastructure; and

· block leakages in the management of public finances.

38. Today, we have stabilized and put our economic on sustainable growth path. We were able to mobilize resources to effective fund government expenditures with less recourse to borrowing such that we are now reckoned as the most fiscally responsible State in the country in terms of financial discipline and budget implementation.

39. Today, our achievements in driving economic development and empowerment include:

§ clearing all arrears of salaries owed to civil servants

· ensured regular payment of civil servants salaries

· creating jobs with our massive investments in infrastructure development

§ streamlined tax administration, eliminated double taxation and improving the business environment

§ ensured prompt issuance of land title documents to applicants. In the last three years we have issued 1750 Certificates of Occupancies against 401 in the eight years of the previous administration. Similarly, we have issued over 400 consents in the last three years as against 201 in the eight years of the previous government; and

§ empowering Small Businesses

40. In 2016, we released the sum of N2 billion as grant to over 20,000 small business owners to invest and grow their small business.

41. In 2018, we have again approved:

· N200 million monthly revolving interest-free loan for youths to start or grow their small businesses;

· N500 million grants to empower 10,000 women across the State to invest in their small businesses; and

· N100 million revolving interest-free loan for civil servants to take care of immediate needs while paying back gradually through small installments.

§ Also, we providing direct empowerment to our people through the award of contracts as most our jobs are executed by indigenous contractors;

§ Constructed and allocated Rumuokoro market comprising of 91 lock-up shops and 600 open stalls to enhance their businesses;

§ Constructed and commissioned the Rumuokoro new Bus Park with capacity for 400 vehicles; and

§ Constructing the Rumuwoji Mile one market phase II

Healthcare Delivery

42. In 2015, we promised to progressively increase budgetary allocation to healthcare delivery and:

§ revitalize and fortify the primary healthcare system;

§ restore and rehabilitate the long-abandoned General Hospitals;

§ establish a medical school in the State’s University to enhance the training of health personnel for the State;

§ restore and upgrade the Schools of Health Science and Technology as well as that of Nursing and Midwifery; and

§ partner with the private sector to develop and ensure efficient healthcare delivery in the State.

43. Three years down the line, we are delivering on all these promises across the healthcare delivery system.

44. With regard to primary healthcare, we have:

§ strengthened the State’s Primary Healthcare Management Board to effectively deliver on its mandate;

§ Increased funding for Primary HealthCare from State/Local Government joint Accounts and Allocation from 3 to 5 percent;

§ paid all arrears of salaries to health workers by the previous regime;

§ provided Continuous capacity building for primary healthcare workers

§ renovated 17 existing primary Healthcare Centres;

§ building three new primary healthcare centres at Bile, Mgbuosimini and Ogbakiri communities.; and

§ provided a new permanent office accommodation for the State’s Primary Healthcare Board.

45. With regard to secondary healthcare, we have:

§ Increased budgetary allocation to this sector from 4 per cent in 2014 to over 12 percent in the 2018 fiscal year;

§ Reconstruction of 12 existing but completely abandoned General Hospitals, namely:

§ Abua General Hospital, Abua Local Government Area;

§ Nchia General Hospital, Eleme Local Government Area.

§ Isiokpo General Hospital, Ikwerre Local Government Area.

§ Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital Rumuigbo, Obio/Akpor Local Government Area.

§ Abonnema General Hospital, Akuku-Toru Local Government Area.

§ Bodo General Hospital, Gokana Local Government Area.

§ Opobo General Hospital, Opobo/Nkoro Local Government Area.

§ Ngo General Hospital, Andoni Local Government Area.

§ Emohua General Hospital, Emohua Local Government Area.

§ Buguma General Hospital, Asari-Toru Local Government Area.

§ Eberi General Hospital, Omuma Local Government Area.

§ Okrika General Hospital, Okrika Local Government Area

§ Completing the four Zonal Hospitals we inherited from the previous administration;

§ Constructing and additional zonal hospital at Omoku

§ Completed the Mother and Child Hospital, Port Harcourt;

§ Constructed 22 nos. Of 3-bedromm Doctors Residential Quarters;

§ Introduced the N500,000,000.00 interest-free Private Hospitals Support Loan Fund; and

§ Paid all outstanding arrears of salaries to House Officers

46. For tertiary healthcare, we are:

§ Upgrading Braithwaite Memorial Hospital to Teaching Hospital for the Rivers State University. The hospital is presently under comprehensive rehabilitation.

§ We have also procured and installing new equipment and facilities worth 6 million United States Dollars in the hospital.

Housing Development

47. In 2015 we promised to implement a 4-point plan for the development of the housing sector in the State. Specifically, we promised to:

· Invest in the provision of social housing in partnership with the private sector investors;

· Expand opportunities for housing development by providing serviced plots in urban areas to civil servants and low income earners;

· Support the establishment of new housing districts and estates, and

48. In the last three years, we have invested time, efforts and resources to actualize our vision for the development of the housing sector. We have accordingly:

§ Encouraged Private sector investments in housing delivery through the Greater Port Harcourt Development Authority. This initiative has started yielding fruits as some private sector developers have come onboard, including Sammiya Nig. Ltd, which has already commenced the development of about 6000 mixed residential houses in the new city.

§ Developed 50 2-bedroom low-cost houses at Iriebe

§ Constructed 50 one-bedroom houses for the Department of State Security

§ Constructing 24 units of 2-bedroom flats for Nigerian Air Force

§ Constructing 20 five-bedroom duplexes Judges Quarters

§ Constructed 24 three-bedroom flats for senior civil servants;

§ Constructing 50 units of low cost houses at Ogu

49. Under our Restore Rivers Initiative, we have:

§ reconstructed, restored and furnished the Old Government House (Brick House) and lawns;

§ Renovated Government House buildings and Guest Houses; including:

§ the Governor’s Office complex

§ the Presidential lodge

§ the Banquet Hall complex

§ the Government House concrete walkway and laws

§ Guest Houses at 23/34 Ernest Ikoli street; and

§ Guest House within the Government House premises

§ We have also reconstructed some Government’s Official Quarters, including:

§ The Attorney-General and Commissioner of Justice

§ The Secretary to the State Government

§ The Commissioner of Works

§ The Commissioner of Finance;

§ The Commissioner of Health; and

§ The Head of Service’s official residence.

§ Constructed the Greater Port Harcourt Development Authority Head office

§ Reconstructed the Chief Emmanuel Aguma House (Former Produce House)

§ Reconstructed nos. 34A and 34B Aba road office complex, Port Harcourt; and

§ Reconstructed the Primary Healthcare Board Building

Road Infrastructure

50. In 2015, we promised to tackle our infrastructural challenge, especially on the provision of road infrastructure across the State. To achieve this strategic objective, we specifically promised to:

· engage the services of reputable contractors to construct first class roads, bridges and jetties:

· dualize roads leading to local government headquarters and major towns;

· reconstruct and expand existing strategic roads in the State with covered drains, pedestrian walkways and street lights; and

· rehabilitate and ensure that the State roads are free from potholes

51. From the beginning, we embarked on delivering the most ambitious programme in infrastructure development in the history of our State with our integrated Strategic Road Development Programme (SRDP). This programme has the following six components:

· investing not less than 70 per cent of capital expenditure to connect the State with good road infrastructure;

· Clearing all existing roads of potholes;

· Completing strategic roads initiated and abandoned by previous administrations;

· Initiating new roads to expand the State’s existing road network and connectivity;

· improving road network in urban/residential neighbourhoods; and

· Expanding existing road network in the highly urbanized Port Harcourt and Obio/Akpor Local Government Areas.

52. As at today, we have delivered tremendously on all the components of the SRDP. For instance, in the last three years, we have consistently invested about 70 per cent of capital expenditure on the provision of road infrastructure. This has resulted in:

· Clearing most of the State roads of potholes under our “Operation Zero pothole” programme;

· Completed 23 out of the 26 strategic road projects we inherited from the previous administration;

· Completed 72 out of the 83 new strategic road projects we initiated, while the remainders are at various stages of completion;

· Built over 10 bridges to within and outside the State capital, connecting towns and communities;

· Renewed and improved the roads in several urban neighbourhoods in the State capital and revived the social and economic life of residents of these areas. The uplifted neighbourhoods include:

§ Ogbu-nu-abali neighbourhood;

§ Diobu Neighbourhood;

§ Port Harcourt township/Borokiri Neighbourhood

§ Old and New Government Reservation Areas ;

§ Trans Amadi Industrial layout and adjoining neighbourhood;

§ Rumuepirikom community neighbourhood;

§ Woji community neighbourhood;

§ Ojubuko/Amadi Ama /Abuloma neighbourhoods

§ 18 hectares of land reclamation and Sand-filling at Nkpogu/Ogbnabali;

§ 14 hectares of land reclamation and sand-filling at Eagle Island; and

§ Reconstruction of the Bille/Bonny Water fronts and Jetty

53. It is important to note that:

· These roads are spread across the entire State, connecting the urban centres and economic areas of the State; providing access to all the local government headquarters, including the rural areas, as well as linking the State to other parts of the country.

· For the first time, far-flung communities in Andoni and Opobo Local Government Areas now have the most realistic opportunity of being accessed by road from Port Harcourt;

· These roads are making journeys as safe, fast, reliable, and stress-free, creating a positive legacy in our communities and environment;

· Above all, these roads are transforming, unlocking economic growth and driving the socio-economic progress that we all crave for in our State.

Rural Development

54. In 2015 we made two broad promises on grassroots development:

§ to create social, economic and business opportunities for rural dwellers to stem rural-urban migration; and

§ improve community-level infrastructure in the areas of roads, portable water, education, healthcare, electricity and security.

55. Today, we have taken development to the grassroots, positively impacting on the economy and improving the living conditions of semi-urban and rural communities. We have done so in several ways, including:

(i) Provision of Internal roads

In the last three years we have provided internal roads for the following communities:


Name of Community



Abonnema town



Amadi Ama community



Elele Alimini community Phases 1 and 2

Phase 1 completed


Isiokpo town Phases 1 & 2

Phase 1 completed


Omoku town



Okochiri community



Ozuboko community


56. These roads have changed the value, business and living conditions in these communities for the better.

(ii) Provided land to the following communities through reclamation


Name of Community

Land quantity



Abalama Community in Asari Toru LGA

19 hectares



Bakana community in Degema LGA

18 hectares



Olombia and Owukiri Communities in Ogu/Bolo LGA

14 hectares


57. With the completion of the reclamation work, these communities have all been transformed from their landless status to owners of adequate land with which to build their houses and continue with their developments.

(iii) Providing shore protection for the following Ndoni communities

· Aze-Azaga community

· Isukwa community

· Owikwu community

· Obiofu community; and

· Utu community

· Reconstructed the Okrika community ATC Jetty

Provision of Water

58. In 2015 we promised to reactivate all abandoned water facilities in the State.

59. Today, we are on course to achieving this promise. We have:

o put in place the institutional framework for realizing the Port Harcourt Water Project to be funded with the World Bank Loan; and

o rehabilitating the Moscow water pumping station;

o executed some rural water projects in Eleme, Okrika, as well as in some communities in Akuku Toru and Opobo/Nkoro Local Government Areas of the State under the EU-UNDSP Quick win programme

60. Gradually and steadily, the rural communities in the State are for the first time experiencing the dividends of democracy and good governance after the tragedy of the immediate past administration.

Provision of Security

61. In 2015, the name Rivers State epitomizes insecurity. Violence, armed robbery and kidnapping for ransom made Rivers State one of the most dreaded places to live and do business. With investors and investments taken to flights, the economy of the State equally took a nosedive.

62. To tackle this challenges, we promised to collaborate with the Federal Government, the security agencies and all stakeholders to combat crime and guarantee the safety and security of lives and property in the State. We also promised to support the security agencies to strengthen their operational capabilities in crime detection, investigation and prosecution.

63. As a nominal chief security officer, this is best we could do in the prevailing circumstance where Governors do not have the lawful authority to exercise effective control over security operations and services in their States, which in our case became severely politicized.

64. Nevertheless, we confronted the challenge head on by supporting the security agencies with the logistics that they need to be effective. Consequently, we have in the last three years:

· donated over 120 patrol vans fitted with communication gadgets to the security agencies;

· initiated and ensured the passing of the State’s Kidnap (Prohibition) Law to provide stiffer penalties, including the confiscation of assets and proceeds directly or indirectly derived from kidnapping and other related activities ;

· donated five gunboats to the Nigerian Navy to fight the activities of pirates on the State’s waterways.

· introduced criminal justice reforms and ensured the passing of the State’s Criminal Justice Administration Law to enhance the speedy and efficient administration of criminal justice in the State.

· further amended the State’s anti cultism law to provide the death penalty for anyone found guilty of engaging in cultism and related violence in the State. And as I have repeatedly said, I will sign the death warrant for any accused that is convicted and sentenced to death under this law.

65. We further incentivized security operations by pledging to pay N5, 000,000,00 compensation to families of any police personnel who dies in service fighting violent crimes; N1, 000,000.00 for any person who gives out useful information that leads to the arrest, prosecution and conviction of kidnappers and armed robbers in the Stat. We also offered N20, 000,000.00 ransom for any person that gives credible information that leads to the arrest and prosecution of wanted criminals who had been terrorizing the State.

66. About six weeks ago, we introduced the Neighbourhood Corps programme to take direct responsibility over the security of our neighbourhoods and communities.

67. Today, our State is more stable, secure, peaceful and growing in strength despite the efforts by our detractors to deliberately sabotage our security architect and otherwise portray the State as insecure for purely political ends.

68. We wish to assure you all that our security will be further strengthened when the neighbourhood security watch starts full operations in the next couple of weeks.

Sports, recreation and tourism

69. In 2015, we promised to implement a comprehensive sports development policy for the State and make sports and sporting careers attractive for the youth; promote and develop neglect or under-funded sports; established a sports academy; re-introduce sports festivals and competitions; and build model and recreational centres in the State.

70. Today, we have achieved most of these promises. Specifically, we have:

§ established Rivers United Football Club and adequately funding the team for it to win laurels for the State;

§ strengthened Rivers Angels Football Club;

§ Cleared arrears of salaries and sign-on fees owed to the two clubs;

§ revived the State’s Basketball Club;

§ hosted not less than 5 international football matches on behalf of the country;

§ hosted National Wrestling Festival;

§ hosted the African Wrestling Championship;

§ hosted the Joseph Yobo Testimonial/Centenary Games;

§ organized the 1st Rivers State Sports Development Initiative for under 17 Athletes;

§ provided improved funding for the Rivers State Sports Council; comprehensively reconstructed,

§ rehabilitated, and restored the King Alfred Diete Spiff Sports Complex to what it used to be. The facilities that have now been restored includes:

§ indoor Sports Hall;

§ the Olympic-size swimming pool;

§ the Diving pool;

§ the Tennis Court;

§ the twin volleyball and squash courts;

§ the male and female hostels;

§ the office blocks;

§ the sewage systems; and

§ the power plant, water treatment plant

71. We have also constructed:

§ the Port Harcourt Pleasure Park to provide exquisite recreational and health pleasure for tourists, residents and visitors;

§ constructed Cinema and Restaurant at the pleasure park; and

§ completed the construction of the new Cultural centre, Port Harcourt to advance the cultural life of our State.

72. With the sports infrastructure already provided or planed to be delivered, Rivers State is clearly on its way to becoming the number one State in sports development in the country.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

73. It is clear that in the last three years our State has progressed at a rate it has never been. There is no doubt that the foundation that we need to accelerate our development, create jobs and advance our prosperity has firmly been laid.

74. We give profound thanks to God for these achievements, but we also owe everything to you who are truly driving the change process with your unqualified support, encouragement and prayers.

75. Together, we can transform our State, our lives and the lives of our children. This is the sole reason why we are in government conscious of the wrath of the people the day we abandon this noble course.

76. Although getting to this point has not been easy, we have labored day and night, through thick and thin, to take our State to this level.

77. What’s next therefore is for us to stay on course and continue to build on our achievements in order to actualize our shared dreams for a State that resonates with the aspirations of our founding fathers – a State that is stable, secure, united, peaceful and whose people are prosperous and happy.

75. Ladies and Gentlemen, since this may be the last such forum before the next general elections in 2019, it is important to remind us that the right to choose our leaders is sacred, precious and constitutional right.

76. Cast your minds back to the 2015 re-run legislative elections where the Independent National Electoral Commission colluded with the Police and the opposition party to brazenly deny us this right.

77. Recall also that about a week ago, factional supporters of the Minster of Transport went to the State High Court and locked out judges from sitting with the active support of the police.

78. Up to now, the police high command has ignored the complaints by well-meaning Nigerians, including the Chief Justice of Nigeria to arrest and prosecute the perpetrators of the treasonable assault on the judicial arm of government.

79. Mr. Akin Fakorede, an Assistant Commissioner of Police and serial election rigger has been reposted to Rivers State as head of Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad for no other purpose but to execute the rigging plans of the opposition All Progressive Congress in the State.

80. All these point to the fact that 2019 is likely going to be rough, tough and politically challenging in Rivers State, as only a fool will believe that INEC would conduct free, fair and credible elections in Rivers State.

81. But, while they plan they forget that evil never triumphs over good and goodness cannot be captured and held captive by forces of darkness.

82. We derive our inspiration from God and faith in the future greatness of our State remains unshaken. We must therefore be prepared to defend our inalienable right to freely and fairly elect our leaders as freedom is never ever given. It is always taken and defended through perpetual vigilance.

83. While I appeal to us to uphold the peace and remain united, we cannot afford to return to power zero”-Wikematics

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