What Matters In Life Is What You Do For People When You Are on Earth –
Amb. Ibimina Osoma.

– Recieved His DMOMA Awards nomination letter.

– Said Gov Wike has made Rivers people proud.

A young youth activist, peace advocate and philanthropist in Rivers state, Amb. Ibimina Osoma has given the reason why he loves to support humanity in any capacity he can.

This he said when DMOMA Awards organizers brought his nomination letter to him.

He said he believes that it’s not about how much money people have, but the willing heart to help people.
Haven raised from a very average family and survived by grace of God, he finds it necessary to help people with the little resources he has.

“I came from a very average background and survived by the Grace of God, so I found it necessary to always help people around me.
It gives me joy whenever I render any assistance to people.”

“It’s not that I have much, but I share the little I have.
Because what matters in life is what you do for people when you are on Earth.”

“I love peace too. The Bible said; Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the children of God. Definitely they shall inherit the earth aswell.
Where there is peace; development, prosperity and success flow in that community.” – Amb. Ibimina Osoma.

He further commended Gov Nyesom Wike on his projects, says the Governor has made Rivers State people proud.

Reacting to the tittle-tattle (hearsay) that he nurses an ambition to contest for House of Assembly(Federal) in his Constituency, Amb Ibimina Osoma said;

“Every political animal nurses an ambition, and it is not a bad thing to be ambitious.
By 2023, you will hear from me”.

Amb. Ibimina Osoma is nominated for 2021 DMOMA Awards promising philanthropist of the year after he was bestowed a peace ambassadorship award this year.

The Award of EXCELLENCE And LEADERSHIP is scheduled to hold on 4th December, 2021 in Port Harcourt City.

Dez Mayorz Report.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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