International Summit of Peace And Unity:
What Lord Echendu Ndubuisi Told United Nations.

Rivers State son, Lord Echendu Ndubuisi was a resource person at the ongoing (1st – 3rd July) International Summit of Peace and Unity conference in Abuja, Nigeria, themed “Promoting Peace within our borders”

In his statements, Echendu Ndubuisi told United Nations the best way to promote Peace within borders.
He asked United Nations Missions to move away from mere discussing with the local people but actively incorporating them in their work. by engaging them which is becoming increasingly important to mission success.

Below is his full statements, obtained by Dez Mayorz Media.

Ladies and gentlemen: Good Afternoon and welcome to the General event promoting peace within our borders. It is an Honor and satisfaction for me to address you again and tell you about myself, I’m LORD ECHENDU NDUBUISI, THE CHAIRMAN OF ECHENDU GROUP OF COMPANIES.
Chengdu Group of companies are into many services, Oil and gas, cargo and logistics, business procurement, construction real estate and hospitality management. We have branches across the United Kingdom, the united states of America, Ghana and Nigeria
As a member of the Global Chamber of Business Leaders around the world, the United Kingdom precisely an Energy insider of Bill gate Conglomerate on climate change. I will share with you the actions and initiatives we have embarked upon so far, and I will ask you to consider Peacebuilding, conflict resolution, conflict prevention, whichever term you use, sits uneasily within one particular field, discipline, or government department for that matter. Is it development, foreign policy, diplomacy, defence and security, justice and human rights, any or all of the above?
It’s somewhat unsurprising that there isn’t a perfect fit. Addressing the core causes and drivers of conflict is a long-term and difficult endeavour – not only for individuals who live with conflict but also for those who assist those who work for peace. Conflicts are driven by a variety of factors, operate as systems, are often local, and do not stop at state borders. Responses necessitate the influence, resources, and dedication of many people and institutions at various periods.
However, just because peacebuilding lacks a natural home does not imply it should not play a key role in our solutions to today’s global crises.
Development, security, social and economic fairness, and reconciliation all benefit from peacebuilding. There are three pressing reasons why peacebuilding and conflict prevention should be a top priority.
Women who play critical roles for peace outside of the spotlight of international discussions; youth; displaced people; ethnic minorities; or those living in distant and unstable border regions, for example, should all be included in the analysis process. An inclusive strategy is not without its difficulties and dilemmas. It may be necessary to include “difficult” actors, such as the Taliban and other armed groups, who have unpopular beliefs but enjoy widespread support.
Inclusion and participation are becoming more prominent in key international strategies and operational advice, which is encouraging. Another of the High-Level Independent Panel’s suggestions was for United Nations missions to move away from “merely discussing with local people to actively incorporating them in their work…” Engagement is becoming increasingly important to mission success.
As the ENERGY INSIDER OF BILL GATE CONGLOMERATE, MEMBER OF INTERNATION MODEL UNITED NATION AND A MEMBER OF GLOBAL CHAMBERS OF BUSINESS LEADERS, I plead with the president of Nigeria Muhammed Buhari, ECOWAS Presidents, Defense ministers and diplomats to embrace peacebuilding within our borders against insecurity.

It’s an Honor having you all here to promote peace within Our boarders
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria and God bless Africa.

thank you.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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