Priests, Councillors, Friends And Well Wishers, All Felicitate With Sir Allwell Ihunda, Jp On His Birthday.

Psalm 90:12-17
“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”
Priests from St Paul Anglican Church were all at his resident to felicitate and bless the Mayor elect, Sir Allwell Ihunda on his birthday.
They came in the early hours of the day to celebrate and pray for God’s Blessing on him.

Family, Councillors elect, traditional rulers, Friends and well wishes, many others join to felicitate with him on this special day as he marks 57th of Gods Greatness, Blessing, Favour, faithfulness in his life.

Presentations were made, gifts items were also presented to him, as well wishers continue to troop in to show him love and affection also from social media.

More Details coming…..

Okoye Chidiebele Stephens,
Emife Chimenem Orlu.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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