We Will Partner With RIWAMA To Keep Port Harcourt City Clean – Sir Allwell Ihunda.

– PDP PHALGA Campaign Team Continue their highly rated ward to ward campaign in ward 10.

Dez Mayorz Report.

The Highly rated PDP PHALGA Campaign Team continue their rejuvenated campaign in ward 10 (Mile 3), Port Harcourt City.

People troop from their various homes and shops to witness the ever blazing Sir Allwell Ihunda and his PHALGA Campaign Team; who came to sensitize and solicit for their votes in the forth coming April 17th local Government elections.

The people of Ward 10 (with 50 unites), through their various influential leaders welcomed the campaign team and promised to deliver accordingly with thousands of votes for the PDP..

Speaking at the campaign ground,
Sir Allwell Ihunda appreciated the overwhelming crowd for coming out, thanked them for their continuous support for PDP since 1999.

He commended the PDP PHALGA campaign team, stakeholders and Port Harcourt City Mayor for their agility and consistency haven campaigned in 18 wards so far.

Sir Allwell Ihunda said that his administration will compliment the efforts of the state government by bringing the dividends of democracy to the ward and community level.

He stated that his Government will strongly be committed towards improving the livelihood of men, women, youths and non-Indigenes of Port Harcourt City LGA through his people oriented programs like entrepreneurial development, job opportunities and empowerment programmes, Etc.

The amiable mayoral candidate promised to support the ward’s markets, primary schools and partner with RIWAMA to keep Port Harcourt City clean.

When elected, Sir Allwell Ihunda affirmed his readiness to work with Mayor Victor Ihunwo on security matters in the city.

He urged the people to get their PVC ready now as the election is close at hand (Saturday 17th April).


The Port Harcourt City Mayor, Hon. Victor Ihunwo Nyeche told the people to support Allwell Ihunda who will take over from him comes June 2021.
Assured the campaign team that his ward 10 will deliver comes April 17th RSIEC election in Rivers State.

The chairman of the PDP PHALGA campaign team, doubled as the Rivers State Commissioner for chieftaincy, Honourable Sam Sonny Ejekwu led the PDP victory song as other people sang along.
Hon Sam Sonny Ejekwu revealed that the grand finale of the PDP PHALGA campaign will hold on Tuesday (13th April, 2021), where all the councillorship Candidates will officially recieved their flags.
The Honourable Commissioner commended Gov Nyesom Wike’s projects in Port Harcourt City and calls on people to come out en mass and vote PDP.

The chairman of the PDP at the PHALGA level, Engr. Solomon Ejike Ogbonna, narrates to the people on how to cast their votes effectively to avoid casting invalid votes.

“There won’t be any face of the candidates on the RSIEC ballot paper but PDP’s umbrella logo.
When you want to vote, allow your inked thumb get dry little before you thumbprint.”

“i.e. stain your finger with the ink given and mark the box for PDP party, at the center to avoid nullification and casting invalid votes” – Engr. Solomon Ejike Ogbonna narrates.

The PDP PHALGA Chairman then presented the PDP electoral Candidates to the people including:
Sir Allwell Ihunda and his Deputy Mrs Tamunotonye Douglas, with the councillorship candidates, Raymond Ndubuisi Wechie.

PHALGA Party leaders and stakeholders present, all gave their Goodwill messages centering on the needs to win and win big.

Speaking to Dez Mayorz Media, the incoming ward 10 Councilor, Raymond Ndubuisi Wechie (Abacha) said his focus is to work effectively with the incoming Mayor Allwell Ihunda in his Youth and Women empowerment and entrepreneurship plans.

Dez Mayorz Media was able to notice the presence of following dignitaries:
Hon. Victor Ihunwo, the serving Mayor and his deputy, Mrs Marian Fiberesima.
Sir Sam Sonny Ejekwu, the chairman of the campaign council.
Engr. Solomon Ogbona Ejike,
the chairman of party at the LGA.
the standard bearer of the party, Sir Allwell Ihunda and his Deputy, Mrs Tamunotonye Douglas.
Dr. George Opuda, alternate Chairman I. Hon. Ken Chinda, alternate Chairman II, Dr. Kalagbor, the Rector of Port Harcourt Polytechnic. Ichemati Onye, Kinikanwo Amadi, Bob Abayomi, John Amadichukwu, Chimeka Nmerukini,
Chief Aribitonye Okiri, SA, School Sports to the Governor.
Barr. Cliff Oparaodu. Ahl. Diepriye Abdulrazaq (Sole administrator, Muslim board Hon.
Ikechi Chinda, Barr. Amina, Jesus Pikin and many other notable dignitaries.

Okoye Chidiebele Stephens,
Dez Mayorz Report.

Photo credits:
Okwuchi Precious, Christian Orlu and Ezebunwo.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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