A short motivational article from the  DMOMA Award’s Lady Of Excellence, chief Obiaruko Ndukwe, frontier of Citizens Quest NGO, which she titled ‘Stop Waiting For The Godot When You Can’. Read below.


What you may need for a change of story is for men of relevance to have a need for your talents.

King Saul was tormented by an evil spirit that caused him to go into depression. His Servants realized that he needed a skilful player of musical instruments. They sought for one and found David, whose major preoccupation was shepherding his father’s flock in the wilderness.
They requested his services at the Palace and his father, Jesse, granted it.
David moved from the wilderness to the Palace to play the instrument for the King who got well each time he heard the sound.

King Saul did not only engage the services of David as a musical artist but as his Armour bearer becos, David had another skill in taking on wild beasts. He was skillful in fighting with his instruments of war!
That was a double promotion for David!
Even though he was ordained to succeed Saul, his appearance in the Palace was faster than it ought to have been simply becos the King was in dire need of his human gifts and services.

What are you waiting for? Someone to give you money or connection? Or waiting for the Coronavirus to end for you to travel overseas?
You may be delaying your elevation becos you have failed to develop and put to use your God-given talents.
David didn’t pray for God to send him to the Palace as a servant. He was to go in as a King. But while that time was yet ripe, he was invited by the King for a different assignment, for a period of time.

That alone changed his status and got his name engraved in the book of records of the reign of Saul. Am sure he also earned good money, are well and wore good clothes. David also understood the protocol of the Palace for which he would soon occupy as King. He gained experience today for his tomorrow.
And you are still here waiting for that person to give you money!
I challenge us to put in more effort in developing our skills. Never despise the days of your little beginning, says the Bible.

As you continue to struggle out there alone in the wilderness of life, someone relevant who is troubled may need your services.

I know one of the biggest property developers in Abuja who was an ordinary plumber. Some years back, Gen Babaginda’s Hill Top Mansion had serious plumbing issues that the Construction giants that built the house couldn’t get a solution. Someone suggested this humble, poor, unschooled plumber to IBB, and he sent for him.
I learnt that the former Head of State promised the young man a mouth-watering figure if he was able to fix the problem that threatened the very foundation of the mansion.
The plumber said he could fix it and he sure did, in good time.
Heard he was given a whooping N250m cheque which is equivalent to 2.5 trillion today!

That was how the plumber began investing in landed properties and today, he stands tall as the biggest investor in properties and land developers in Abuja and beyond!

What are you still waiting for? If this story doesn’t move you to start today, then your financial salvation is far from being a reality.

While in Secondary school, I authored and recited poems, representing my Hostel in Inter House Poetry Competition; I Authored, Directed and Acted in Inter House Drama Competition; I represented my school in Inter School Arts Competition and even won an international Poster competition. Writing has been in my bloodstream.

I have risen as a Publisher and Editor of The Beam News for several years.
In the next decade, after clocking 50, I have resolved to write books, scripts for movies, act and even direct.
Even if I don’t play, though I pray and will continue to pray, I know that someday, someone will desire my stories and offer to publish or produce them as movies!

I am not yet there, but I sure will get there.
If you are encouraged by this piece, but you don’t know how to rediscover yourself, chat me up.
Like Peter and John said to the crippled man at the Gate Beautiful, “Silver and Gold, I have none, but what I have, I’ll give to thee…”

Have a wonderful weekend and a fresh start of a new lease of life and destiny!
This is one of the things we do in Citizens Quest

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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