Disbanded Emohua OSPAC Still Arresting People Illegally.

Information reaching Dez Mayorz Media has it that the disbanded Emohua OSPAC still arrest and brutalise community people in Emohua.

One of the illegal activities carried out by the disbanded community security outfit is the unlawful taking of Mr Okechukwu Nwonodi, where they brutalized, assaulted and matcheted him.

Speaking to Dez Mayorz Media, the brutalized Nwonodi said OSPAC personels came to his house and unlawfully arrested him, beat him and matcheted him for no reason and finally handed him over to the police.

He said that the police later told him that he was arrested over a land dispute with his uncle.

The question people are asking is why Emohua OSPAC are still functional after disbandment, as Nwonodi seeks for justice over the OSPAC that beat and left him half-dead.

All the Dez Mayorz Media’s effort to get to the Emohua disbanded OSPAC Chairman was futile.

Recall that OSPAC vigilante was banned in Emohua LGA in Rivers State after the reported kidnap of the Rundele outspoken son Mr Hanson Chukwu who was allegedly reported killed by OSPAC after his kidnap for speaking against illegal bunkery business in his community.

It’s high-time the state government help out on the issues of Emohua OSPAC saga before more people die and also ensure Nwonodi gets justice.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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