Ugochukwu Okoli

– Tells NSE and COREN to up their games.

Ugochukwu Okoli

The 2020 DMOMA Award Engineer of the Year in South East and South South, Engr. Ugochukwu Okoli has called on Nigerian young engineers to embark on professional engineering training and courses and not just rely on their bachelor degree for jobs.

This he told Dez Mayorz Media in a brief media chat in Eagle Island, Port Harcourt. He commends DMOMA Award organizers and also urge Nigerian Society of Engineers and COREN to up their games to improve the engineering practice in Nigeria.

Below are some of the excerpt from the brief Media chat:

On Engineering Profession....

Engr Okoli:

Engineering is a moving train, it’s a wide field, from Chemical Engineering, Civil, Mechanical Engineering and computer Engineering.

I encourage young ones to join the engineering profession.

As a fresh graduate, you have to do other things and courses to equip yourself effectively as an Engineer.

Young engineering graduates should go into professional exams and programs to facilitate their chances of getting a Job.

It’s not only about getting jobs, Engineers can do consulting jobs as well. Engineers of like minds from various fields can put their heads together and form a group of company and their services will always be required by Mega companies who love giving jobs out as contracts.

Because most of the jobs are done by contractors now.

On comparing Nigerian engineering Educational System with other countries.

Engr. Okoli:

Nigerian Educational system is good, the curriculum is of good standard. Our engineers are more knowledgeable and well equipped more than engineers from Ghana and even from Europe. We study under bad environs and schooling in Nigeria is a pass mark already, you can adapt to any company in the world.

So, Nigerian Universities Curriculum is of standard.

In Engineering, Nigerians excel though in ICT South Africa is leading.

The problem is that Nigeria is a third world country, our environment and governmental policy is not conducive for engineering to excel. Companies are folding and churches are springing up.

The problem in Nigeria is from the head, our leaders are not helping matters.

I urge Nigerian Society of Engineers and COREN to up their games and seat up.

Legal and Medical profession are ahead.

On the engineers not involving in active politics in Nigeria…. 

Engr Okoli:

Nigerian politics is a game of job seekers. Any criminal and low thinking person can join politics.

They are not helping matters at all.

Engineers not involving in active politics should not be a reason why politicians should sideline engineers, because a country that don’t optimize their engineers hardly grow.

Whether engineers participate in active politics or not, what we need in Nigeria is a good governmental policy and system, and not the one we have where a governor detect and regulate what the masses want.

In conclusion,

The proactive Agip staff, Engr. Okoli Ugochukwu concluded that engineering field is a great profession even though the Nigerian government is relegating the sector.

He charges Nigerian NSE and COREN to up their games to improve and regulate Engineering practice in Nigeria.

He also applauded the organizers of DMOMA Award for a creative unique job done.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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