The Dean of Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt has called on Nigerian Youths not to embark on another EndSars protest in order to save lives.

This he told Dez Mayorz Media and other newsmen in Port Harcourt when DMOMA Award organizers visited his office to hand over DMOMA Award platinum Reservation after he emerged victorious as the most pro-active lecturer (academic) in South East and South South.

In a brief media chat with bloggers, the lecturer debunked the rumour that Uniport ASUU might break away from the National ASUU due to discrepancies in negotiation with the Federal Government.

“Uniport ASUU Don’t have any objections with the ASUU over the negotiation with the Federal Government” – Prof T. T. Orunaboka said.

He explained that University of Port Harcourt ASUU is in cognisance with the ASUU decision and negotiation with the Federal Government and can’t go in contrary to their views.

Below are other excerps from the brief Media chat with the proactive Acamedia of the year, Prof T. T Orunaboka.:

On the impact of the Federal Government N-power scheme to the school system and the graduates….

Prof Orunaboka :The N-power scheme is a big problem in Nigeria. Nobody in academic field knows how it functions. The effects is infinitesimal and insignificant.

The University of Port Harcourt, Faculty of Education which am the dean produces over 1000 graduates yearly and the N-power doesn’t employ up-to 1% of them. The empower lacks so many merits and can’t solve unemployment problem in Nigeria. jobs need to be properly created.

On who the major beneficiaries of ASUU demands are…… 

Prof Orunaboka: The lecturers are not the major beneficiary of the ASUU demands. My own argument with ASUU always is that they are not fighting basically for the lecturers’ welfare.

All the money given to ASUU is for the Vice Chancellors and their contractors.

Imagine, RSU lecturers are well paid than us in Federal University. A professor from Rivers State University (State University) here can pay three professors in Uniport( Federal University) and still have change.

What ASUU are fighting for is for the betterment of the students on infrastructures, to upgrade the standard of learning in Nigeria so that our students and graduates can compete effectively anywhere in the world and not for the lecturers’ pockets.

But when this money is released, it will be given to contractors and they will build sub- standard structures for us without proper supervision.

On his emergence as the most pro-active lecturer in South East and South South….. 

Prof Orunaboka : I am not just a lecturer, am a complete teacher. I started teaching from primary schools, secondary schools and now in University level. I was part of the people that opened the polytechnic in Bori. My simple philosophy of life gains me alot of integrity. My daily interactions with the students and young people is the key. My prayers everyday is to help people the way I can to the glory of God.

All my students have my number and I work along with them.

I might not be 100% but I always do my best to make impact.

On the youth endsars protest…. 

Prof Orunaboka : Nigeria is a complex country and everyone with integrity will definitely condemn the police brutality, but I won’t want our youths to enter streets again for protest. Their lives matter. The police might shoot at sight.

Nigeria Is not a country where protest will solve their problem, even University strike can not solve our University problems.

Because the president sitting there is not a listening president.

I was serving my youth Corp when Buhari was the military president of this country and he couldn’t govern, i don’t think he can govern now. He made so many unkept promises, look at where we are now.

The Nigeria Police Force is among the best in the world, that’s why they excel outside the country. But African-man character and the environment they are living Influence them to misbehave.

On UNIPORT and the Faculty of Education…. 

Prof Orunaboka : The Faculty of Education is one of the best faculty in this University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, striving to achieve. We have 163 lecturers in this Faculty of eight departments. We have population. All our lecturers are doing well and they are students friendly.

We might not be 100% but we are striving Towards excellence.

On if the rate of sorting and corruption in the University is high?…..

Prof Orunaboka : The Uniport Lecturers especially the Faculty of Education department lecturers are firm in the fight against corruption and sorting in the school.

Sorting is a crime in the school and there is strong law to checkmate and punish offenders. If you are caught, both the lecturer and the student will be punished. Our lecturers are doing their best and am proud of them.

In the Faculty of Education, there is nothing like selling of handouts. Book selling is not compulsory.

The proactive humble lecturer, Prof T. T. Orunaboka concluded the brief Media chat with great commendations to DMOMA Award organizers on their award methodology and encouraged them to keep it up.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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