ENDSARS: Leadership Of 1Million Youths In Rivers State Still Silent.

By Stephen Woke.

The leadership of the 1 Million Youths in Rivers State led by the Deputy Speaker of Rivers State, Rt Hon Ehie Edison Ogerenye and others are still quiet in the plight of the Rivers State Youth to end SARS (ENDSARS).

This is not the first time the group who suppose to speak for the youths are quiet to the plight of the Youth in Rivers State, the group was absolutely quiet during the murder of Chima and Ikoku boys saga, but during election, they will mobilize the Youths for their selfish political interest.

The only significant achievements the group have recorded is wishing members ‘Happy birthday’ apart from holding political rallies.

It’s hightime the group leaders who claims to represent the youths come out for protest in full or continue to hide in shame. This is not a political post but a call to waken the group that many believe in .

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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