Boko Haram Leader, Abubakar Shekau has indicated that the office of Nigeria President is being occupied by Yosuf, the son of Mohammadu Buhari in viral footage. Dez Mayorz learnt via Scannews24.

In the one minute and fifteen seconds video, the ranting militia leader, speaking in the Hausa dialect said they are killing residents in Baga as been instructed by their leader.

Shekau Reaffirmed commitment to accomplish their aim as the center of their ideology whether alive or death and nothing will stop them.

He warned the Nigeria President, who was referred to as Mohammed Yosuf, to steer clear their path of operation, mainly his visit to bereaved families of their victims.

The insurgent thwarted the government’s call for assistance from the Chadian military, boasted that no country will offer help to the country.

He, therefore, welcome further crack from soldiers, challenged the military to attack them, said they are ready to meet at the battle line.

The assertion by the terrorist group has given credibility to laments by the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu allegedly lamenting that ‘Buhari is dead’.

Kanu and other prominent Nigerians have been on the news since 2017 with claim Nigeria is being headed by an impostor, stated that the President who was elected into Office is late.

He noted that a cabal smuggled in an imposter, Jubril from Sudan and subsequently was changed in 2020 during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The IPOB leader pointed out that Jubril died alongside his ‘employer’, Abba Kyari, the President’s Chief of Staff, after failing to defeat the deadly virus, Corona.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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