Middle Belt

Middle Belt Dumped Arewa, Begs Biafrans For Allegiance.

Middle Beltans have appealed to Igbo people (South East And South South) to accept them into their folds in order to establish a strong alliance against Northern Nigeria.

In a viral video gathered by Dez Mayorz Media, they apologized to over any grudges against them said they are no longer an enemy to Igbo People.

In a town hall meeting with a capacity of over 1500 people held in Imo State, the speaker called on Ndi Igbo home and abroad, to recognize them as sisters and brothers onward.

Pointing on pressing issues facing Nigeria today, they noted that the country is confronted with insecurity issues over the years.

They acknowledged that the security challenges in the country are deliberately planned to displace people and take over their land.

They stated their resolve never to allow their native land and homes to be taken by the killers of the people and no one is meant to take it by force.

They are forming a united force to stop any attempt or plan either government or agents to displace them from their ancestral homeland.

Referring to Nigeria as a ‘contraption’ they said it hurts them always to see things happen the way it is happening and never represent their wish.

They restated that by collective force, their land will be protected and freedom will be ascertained.

They encouraged themselves to know that in any determination there must be a sacrifice, some wi definitely die along the line and many will live but the aim must be achieved which is good for Middle Belt people.

They prayed and submit God help to pursue their dream to final, and restore a common goal with South East and South South people.

Barrister Seth Mangreth who gave a vote of thanks towards the closure of the two days meeting, apologized for their role against Igbos for a very long time.

Also appreciated having seen the road map of the agenda geared towards breaking Nigeria from the North for Biafra restoration.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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