Chukwudi Dimkpa

Oh God Give us men like Engr Chukwudi Dimkpa. This is the trending prayers among the Port Harcourt youth.

A unique organization, with the name – Pan African Youth Union, have eulogised the lion of Youth Impact, Engr. Chukwudi Dimkpa with an award on leadership.

The 2019 DMOMA Award Youth Impact winner, received the award in his office.

In presenting the award, the PAYU prayed this trending prayer:

“Oh Lord, Give us men of honour, Give us men of values, and standard,

Oh God! Give us men like Engr Chukwudi Dimkpa… ”

“A time like this demands strong minds, great heart, true faith, and ready hands. Men whom the lust of office cannot kill, Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy,

Men who possesses opinion and a will, Men who have honour, Men who will not lie,

Men who can stand before a demagogue and damn its treacherous flatter without winking, Sun crowned.

Men who live above the fog of public duty, Oh God Give us men like Engr Chukwudi Dimkpa.” – PAYU prayed.

Earlier, Engr. Chukwudi Dimkpa told Nigerian youths to learn skilled work and add to their certificates. This he told Dez Mayorz Media and Online Media Practitioners (OMPAN) who paid him courtesy visit on DMOMA Award.

See the PAYU full statement below :


It gives me great pleasure to be here today, on this important occasion to celebrate an uncommon and dedicated leader, to celebrate hard work to duty, to celebrate a supporter of Education, philanthropist, democrat and a true patriot of this great Country, who has continued to impact positively on our generation

We are here to reward, salute and encourage an apostle of positive change, Engineer Chukwudi Dimkpa. A man that stands up as first among his equals. A man that has and still contributing his quota to Nation building, humanity and the promotion of positive values which remain the best legacy that can be bequeathed on the children of the common man in any society

Our organization, the Pan African Youth Union exist to direct special attention to the distinctive growth and development of young people in Africa, stimulated by specific developmental programmes as well as productive and marketable projects.

The PAYU is for regaining our orbit for development. The work of our organization should sufficiently convince public institutions private enterprises and the civil society of our desirability to utilize models by our organization for practical utility, which already has a culture of scientific and planned development.

As we develop within our democratic dispensation in Africa, it is important that the Youths, who constitute the most cohesive and articulate component in the African Society should be fully involved in the task of societal development and consolidation of the achievements that is being recorded in our educational sector.

The Youths are the most active and vital force in the society; they are the most eager to learn and the least conservative in their thinking It is therefore of the utmost urgency that a frame work be put in place to harness and bring into full play the energy of our Youths in the task of transforming our continent into a truly developing one.

As we struggle to stabilize our democracy in Africa, it is wise and patriotic to invest in leaders like Engineer Dumps, a man whose attributes are well known. A person that understands and embodies the core values and aspirations of the Youth, our abiding quest for unity, peace, prosperity, mutual respect and peaceful co-existence.

Sir, your stewardship in public and private sectors has shown a direct response to the prolonged cravings of our generation for quality leadership towards development and greatness.

It is an honest answer to our deep aspiration for a complete break from the failures of the past. It is a crusade to vanguard the already disenchanted but mobilized young people in Africa. Thus anybody who wants a greater future be it socio economic or otherwise for our continent must appreciate the vision and dedication of this patriot, towards promoting peace and good governancein our society.

Our deep conviction and unconditional hope in Engr Chukwudi Dimkpa is a symbol and demonstration of his immemorial contributions to the cause of humanity, mankind and philanthropy

Our sincere appreciation once again goes this great son of Africa, a man with a flair for being blunt in the pursuit of truth, a dogged fighter for the cause of justice without any qualifier, a consistent advocate of equity, fair play, and tolerance, a man with the ability and patience to reconcile competing interest and above all a transparent leadership style.

We believe in you as a leader with an uncommon vision and courage, dedication and commitment, broad mindedness and open heartedness, experience and farsightedness, understanding and forbearance. We believe in you as a leader with shock absorbers to receive vile blows and buffets without resorting to arbitrariness or coercion. We believe in you as a leader who is honest, sincere, God fearing, and prepared to make sacrifices for the purpose of ensuring the primacy of moral rectitude and national interest in the administration of our common wealth

Ladies and gentlemen, in presenting Engineer Dr. Chukwudi Dimkpa for the investiture of Africa leadership of the Year 2020, may we firstly present him to the Almighty God. May I crave your Indulgence to recite this prayer;

Oh Lord, Give us men of honour,

Give us men of values, and standard,

Oh God! Give us men like Engr Chukwudi Dimkpa,

A time like this demands strong minds, great heart, true faith, and ready hands. Men whom the lust of office cannot kill,

Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy,

Men who possesses opinion and a will, Men who have honour,

Men who will not lie,

Men who can stand before a demagogue and damn its treacherous flatter without winking,

Sun crowned,

Men who live above the fog of public duty,

Oh God Give us men like Engr Chukwudi Dimkpa,

With you, we see hope.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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