Gov Wike Has Forgotten That Bonny And Onne Community Are on Lockdown.

The people of Bonny LGA and Onne Community have cried out over the 12days total lockdown in their community, say such act from the state government is not humane.

Speaking to DEZ MAYORZ Media via whatsapp, Onne community people say Governor Nyesom Wike is over doing it.

“Governor Nyesom Wike has forgotten that he locked us up in our houses in the name of lockdown.”

“How can a state governor lockdown Bonny LGA for about two weeks now without proper Paliatives and care for the people. The infinitesimal Paliatives brought served as a breakfast for just 2% of the population. ”

“When Port Harcourt City and Obiakpor were on lockdown, it was on interval. 5days maximum, but Gov Wike locked us for two weeks without any feeling that we are human and need to survive. No food, no incentives, no money, no Paliatives.”

“Gov Wike should stop frustrating the people and call off the lockdown.” – Bonny LGA elder told DEZ MAYORZ Media.

For about two weeks now, the Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezebunwo Wike placed Bonny LGA and Onne community in Rivers State on a total lockdown in order to curb the spread of Corona Virus in the State.
This comes at the time when other states and countries are opening up their economy and relaxing the lockdown rules, but the Rivers State Government in her wisdom chose strict lockdown measures without providing adequate paliatives.

As of Saturday, July 4, 2020. The Total COVID-19 confirmed case is 1,114,
Currently on Admission is 361,
Total recoveries is 714 and
Total deaths is 39.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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