DMOMA Award: COTECK Furniture Ltd Okays DMOMA Award Partnership.

The director of the advanced Furniture Company in Nigeria (COTECK Furniture), Mazi Christian Chinasa Ezenwonye has agreed to partner with the organizers of DMOMA Award 2020, this he confirmed in his Port Harcourt factory.

Speaking to the organizers of DMOMA Award who visited his factory in Eagle Island, he encouraged the organizers to keep it up in awarding people of excellence in South East and South South and urged Rivers State Youth to enroll in entrepreneurship and learn various hand-works.

DMOMA Award is an award of excellence that award people of excellence in South East and South South from various disciplines and endeavors.
2020 DMOMA Award is tagged “Hang On We Shall Win.”
List of the nominees will be published soon.

Dez Mayorz report.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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