Azzaman Azzaman reacts as a Northern man said Nigeria would have been better without the Igbos.

Straight to the point on what he said:

Most times when they say Igbos what they actually mean is NIGERIA WITHOUT CHRISTIANS . Igbos rejected Islam so also Southern Kaduna , Plateau, Benue , Taraba , Southern Bauchi, Southern Gombe , Southern Yobe, Southern Borno and Southern Kebbi, the Christians in Adamawa and Nassarawa, Hausa Christians and Fulani Christians etc.

The truth is they hate you Northern Christians , Just like they hate the Igbo. Allow the Igbo to go they want Biafra you said no you must try and convert them to Islam if not Usmanu Danfodio plans to drop the Quran in Bonny Island passing through Igbo land will not come to pass, see hypocrites. They feel the Igbos are the last people to be conquered to Islam but they are not finding it easy with the Northern Christians talk more of the Igbos. Great delusion, a mirage and futile mission of the Caliphate to convert Northern Christians and Igbos to Islam. …………. Azzaman Azzaman

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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