Ojukaye Amachree .


Let me state with all authority and for the purposes of clarity that I remain the chairman of APC Rivers state as I have not seen any judgement suggesting otherwise.

What I know is that on 4th September 2018 Justice A. O. Musa granted a perpetual injunction barring any institution or the National body from tampering with or dissolving my Party Executives and it will only take an Appeal court to upturn or set aside that injunction not a court of coordinate jurisdiction

I therefore enjoin all APC members and party executives at the ward, LGA and State levels to go about their normal party activities and remain calm as I remain the chairman of APC Rivers state

Hon. Ojukaye flag Amachree,

APC Chairman
Rivers state.


Previously, Rivers state high court on Wednesday, nullifies Ojukaye Amachree emergence and all the primaries held.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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