Arthur Eze.

Recently, Prince Arthur Eze’s name has appeared in the news once more, as he lost the lawsuit to a British couple for pulling out of a house deal. As a result, he had to pay them £1 million in damages. This astounding amount begs the question: what is Arthur Eze net worth? How much money does he have if he is able to pay off such a big sum like it is no big deal? Let’s find out!

Arthur Eze net worth and private jet

Who is Arthur Eze?

Prince Arthur Eze is a very wealthy Nigerian oil magnate and politician. His birth date is not available to the wider public, but he is currently in his late sixties. As you might have guessed from his title, Arthur comes from a royal family; his brother is a traditional ruler of Ukwo, Anambra State.

Arthur Eze is probably known best for founding Atlas-Oranto Petroleum back in 1991. Over the years, the oil company has grown into one of the largest exploration and production groups in Nigeria and even the whole of Africa. So this might lead you to wonder just how much money Eze was able to earn thanks to this venture.

Prince Arthur Eze net worth

Arthur Eze net worth

It is no secret to anyone that Prince Arthur Eze is a wealthy man. Nevertheless, the magnate himself has never declared his assets publicly or shared his wealth with the world. Several websites (such as, for instance, GistMania) have speculated that his worth is $5.8 billion, which would make him one of the richest people in all of Africa. However, Forbes does not list him among the wealthiest Africans, which makes the estimation of his net worth a little bit questionable.

That said, Eze certainly has money to spare. For example, he gave almost $100 million to the PDP during the elections a few years back. Only a billionaire would be able to easily part with such a sum. In addition to that, Arthur also donated $12 million to help build the Anglican Church Youth Development Centre and $6.3 million to aid in the flood relief. That is a lot of money, if you ask us.

Arthur Eze

But how did he ever get that rich? Well, for the most part, it is his oil business that is bringing him heaps of cash. Despite everything that has been happening in the oil market in the past few decades, it is still an extremely profitable venture.

Prince Arthur was also able to earn some money through the various government contracts. One of the contracts involved him building the Anambra State Broadcasting Service and Television Studio. If you want to learn what Eze spent some of his money on, keep on reading. We will give you a hint: they fly.

Prince Arthur Eze private jet

After all we have just told you about Prince Arthur Eze and his unimaginable wealth, it should not come as a surprise that he owns not one but two private jets! That is right, the billionaire has managed to score himself two metal birds for travelling in style across the globe.


The first plane he has acquired is the 1991 Gulfstream GIV with the number 5N-PZE. Eze actually bought it at the 2011 auction, where the aircrafts from the Presidential Fleet were sold. The aircraft can fit two people in the cockpit and 14-19 people in the cabin. By all means, it is quite a small private twinjet aircraft, as it is less than 27 metres in length, but it is quite a speedy one. It can reach 935 kilometres per hour.

It made the news back in 2013, as it was the first plane to arrive from an international flight at the renovated Akanu Ibiam International Airport in Enugu. Arthur Eze arrived from Senegal on his Gulfstream, which earned recognition from the then-President Goodluck Jonathan.


Since then, Eze has added another plane to his collection. In 2015, he bought himself a shiny new Dassault Falcon 7x. This one is slightly smaller than his previous purchase, reaching just over 23 metres in length and sitting 12-16

passengers, as well as two pilots and one crewmember. However, its compact size allows it to reach an even greater speed of 956 kilometres per hour.


It would be hard to tell how much Arthur had to dish out for his luxurious modes of transportation back in the day, but today, you can get a 1991 Gulfstream for about $3,5 million, while a Falcon 7x would cost you approximately $22 million (according to GlobalAir). Most people would not be able to earn that much in their lives.


Some sources have also reported that Eze acquired a $25-million Bombardier at some point. However, we have not been able to confirm this claim, as there is no evidence that could prove this purchase. On the other hand, in addition to his aerial transport, Prince Arthur has a collection of Rolls Royce vehicles, so he should be all set on the means of transportation.

As you can see, Prince Arthur Eze is a very wealthy man, even though Forbes has somehow managed to overlook him. Despite some minor inconveniences, he continues on his path of earning even more money and becoming even richer.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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