The Obi-Datti Big Tent Independent Campaign Council Inaugurated In Rivers State.

The Obi-Datti Big Tent Independent Campaign Council, popular known as Big Tent, on Saturday the 21st of Jan 2023 inaugurated its Rivers State LGA coordinators and directorate committee members in Port Harcourt the state capital.

Dr. Sofiri Peterside, the South-South Zonal coordinator of the Big Tent while giving his remarks drew the attention of the attendees to the salient issues plaguing the country emphasized that the journey so far has been one of sacrifices, urging the committee members, coordinators and stakeholders present to bear in mind that the Labour Party and Peter Obi campaign was deeper than mere politics but a fight for the country and the future of those coming behind.

“When I wake up and look at my children and the country we have found ourselves in, it worries me deeply. I have the opportunity to leave this country this night, but I won’t go anywhere. We’re going to fight for this country and the future of our children and we will win.”

Dr Peterside also stated that the battle was a life and death battle. “We’re not going to leave this country to the empty heads who have held us down since forever” he added.

Meanwhile the State coordinator of the Big Tent, Comrade Gogo Wellington while inaugurating the LGA coordinators encouraged them to be steadfast and committed to ensuring that the Labour Party and Peter Obi is made known in every nook and cranny in the over 6000 units in the state.

“The responsibility on your shoulders are enormous. If you fail, then we will all fail. As you know, we cannot afford to fail because we might not have this opportunity again.”

Mr Wellington also encouraged those present to go beyond just being part of support groups and actually participating actively in the politics of their various units, wards and LGA. “You cannot change the system from shouting outside. We must join the party and be a part of the deliberations and decision making process to ensure that the structures we’re building not only stand the test of time, but also live up to the expectation of Rivers people and the country at large.”

Also present at the inauguration were candidates of the Labour Party representing Akuku-Toru/Asari-Toru Federal Constituency, the veteran nollywood actress and activist, Hilda Dokubo; and the House of Assembly Candidate for the Labour Party representing Port Harcourt Constituency 1, Mr Olumati Isiah.

According to Mrs Dokubo, Peter Obi and the Labour Party candidates were all seeking political offices to cleanup the country and the system. “We’re going there to clean the mess that those who have stolen our common patrimony have made and we must do everything within our power to ensure we defeat them.”

Mr Olumati on the other hand stated that other presidential candidates by their utterances have shown that they lack the ideas to transform the country and that only Peter Obi has shown that he has the ideas to govern the country. “Some candidates are talking about privatization which is another way to say that they lack the ideas on how to manage manpower, resources, and institutions. Dubai is not privatizing but we can see what is happening.”

Also present at the inauguration were representatives of the Labour Party in Rivers State, and representatives of the Nigeria Labour Congress and Trade Union Congress.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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