Enitonna High School Sets For 90th Anniversary Celebration.

The oldest secondary school in Rivers State and Bayelsa State, Enitonna High School, Borokiri, Port Harcourt, founded in 1932 by the Sierra Leonean Missionary, the late Rev. Lionel Randall Potts-Johnson of blessed memory; will be celebrating the 90th year anniversary of the founding of the school.

It’s tagged “9 Decade in 9 Days”.

The event will be in series starting from Saturday 26th November to 3rd December, 2022.

All the great Enitons, staff and students of Alma Mater, Enitonna High School, Borikiri, Port Harcourt will all actively be involved.

It will start with a road show carnival as the alma mater will all get their School Uniforms for the Road Show Carnival from Lagos Bus-Stop to Enitonna High School, Borikiri, PH on Saturday 26th November 2022 by 8:00am prompt.

The Veteran Great Enitons of the Ancient Generation in the likes of EHSOSA BOT Chairman, High Chief Jonathan Boytie Ogufere, Chief and Mrs Eddie Poberni, Mrs Ugboma, etc are all preparing to appear in their EHS Crested White Short Sleeved Shirts on their “Picke” Red Pair of Shorts and Skirts, while the Coalition Alumni Members Coalition of all the Old Secondary Schools in Rivers and BAYELSA States, etc are all in High spirits, poised to appear in their respective Uniforms to be part of all the events, especially the Road Show.

More details of the event activities on the artworks.

Earlier, Dez Mayorz Media reported that Old Students of Enitonna High School visited the PHALGA celebrity secretary, Hon. Owuru Chile-Kay

Some members of Enitonna High school, Old Students Association led by the president, Arch. Ipalibo West paid a courtesy call on the Secretary of Port Harcourt City Local Government, Barr. Chile-Kay Owuru in his office in the council headquarters, moscow road.

Arch. Ipalibo West informed the Port Harcourt City Local Government secretary about the forthcoming week long celebrations to mark the 90th year anniversary of the founding of the school.

Barr. Owuru who is an alumni of the prestigious college thanked them for the visit and promised to support them achieve a successful anniversary celebrations.

Dez Mayorz Report.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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