Amaris Table Water Joins To Partner DMOMA Awards 2022.

A Table Water company in Port Harcourt with the name ‘Amaris Table Water’ will be partnering 2022 prestigious DMOMA AWARD .

The director of Amaris Table Water, Sir Mgbamoka Christian Ndubuisi said that the Bottle water company will effectively partner with DMOMA Award organizers for a successful 2022 DMOMA Awards.

Sir Mgbamoka Christian Ndubuisi who is also nominated for 2022 DMOMA Awards scheduled to hold in December 2022, commends the organizers of DMOMA Awards and assured them of his support.

Amaris Table Water is one of the cleanest drinking water in southern Nigeria.

It’s a potable non-carbonated fresh water in prepackaged containers of different sizes.

Dez Mayorz News .

6th August, 2022.

#dezmayorz #dmomaawards.

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By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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