The Mayor Of Port Harcourt, Sir Allwell Ihunda Has Proven That A Good Seasoned Politician Can Make A Great Administrator In Nigeria

– 365 days of productive leadership in delivering dividends of democracy to the grassroot from massive skills acquisition programs, youth empowerment programs, Ultra Modern Hospital, Port Harcourt Tools Mall to over 15 applaudable projects done within a year in office.

Okoye Chidiebele Stephens, Port Harcourt.

The Mayor of Port Harcourt City, Sir Allwell Ihunda JP has simplified governance at the Local Government level and proactively set a new standard at the Port Harcourt City Council on what political practice is all about through his people oriented projects.

The residents (indigents and non indigents) in Port Harcourt City council refer Sir Allwell Ihunda ‘365 Days in office’ as a year of ‘Productive Leadership’ that have reduced unemployment in Port Harcourt through the proactive Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Programme of the mayor’s administration.

“The Mayor of Port Harcourt, Sir Allwell Ihunda JP is already fulfilling his campaign promises within his 365 days in office with the Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Programme ongoing at various centers in Port Harcourt and his mega infrastructural developmental strives in the city.’ – Dr. Ezebunwo Nyeche said while commending the mayor’s skills acquisition programs
that was flagged off by the Rivers State Commissioner of Youth Development, Hon Prince Obi Ohia.
The Programme is now in its second batch with 550 youth and women benefiting, more still to benefit.

The various skills considered in the first batch and second batch of the programme include;
Data Base Administration, Cinematography, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration, Computer & GSM Maintenance, Scaffolding,
Crane operation, Welding & Fabrication, Computer Operation Basic,
Shoe making,
Fashion designing, Combination of pipeline & structural welding training,
catering and confectionery department, ICT, facial makeover, photography, Gele crafts, cosmetology, hairs dressing, fashion designing, pedicure and manicure.

“If anyone tells me that any LGA chairman in Nigeria can finish four infrastructural projects within a year concurrently, I will not believe, but Sir Allwell Ihunda has proven otherwise with his massive developmental projects in the city. What a good Administrator!.” – Stephen Wobo.

Some of the projects are listed below:

– Brings unity and love among Port Harcourt people with religious and traditional institutions relations in the city.
A city where an Imam feels at home in same way a bishop feels at home in the city.
Offcourse! unity is project.

‘Sir Allwell Ihunda loves God and puts God first in all he does’ – Pastor Sunny Wokekoro.

– 550 plus, benefited from his Empowerment, Skills Acquisition and Trades programmes.

– Appointed 400 political appointees.

“What marvels me most in Sir Allwell Ihunda’s administration is the magic in paying over 400 political appointees without owing them any Month” – Mazi Christian Ezenwoye.

– Construction of Port Harcourt Local Government Hospital. (Ultra Modern Hospital).

– Construction of Port Harcourt Tools Mall.

– Effectively checkmate flooding in Port Harcourt by disilting Peter Odili Road, Bank roads, others.

– Gully erosion projects of 40 feet deep, 25 meters wide and 100 meters width.

‘I must commend Sir Allwell Ihunda on the role he played in reducing flooding in the city especially along SPAR, it was embarrassing before, but now flooding is reduced by proper disilting of the drainage system along the area’ – Emma Amadi Chijioke.

– Installation of Solar streets lights in various streets in Port Harcourt Local Government.

– Completion and furnishing of the new Procurement Building in the Council Secretariat.

– Completion of 6 Classroom Blocks, NYSC Apartment, 200 Sitting Capacity Assembly Hall (Nkpolu Oroworukwo Community Secondary School).

– Furnishing of 48 Offices in the new office complex.

– Standard Water Projects at Ojoto and Christ Apostolic Streets in Diobu.

– Renovation of Port Harcourt City Mayor’s Lodge.

– Regular sanitation exercises and keeping the city clean.

– Security architecture. Consistently maintains law and order in the city and relate effectively with the security operatives and their leaders.

– Decongestion of illegal streets traders and mechanic workshop.
Dislodge prostitution and drugs trafficking at Casablanca axis of GRA, Port Harcourt.

– Construction of 8 Public Conveniences at Captain Amangala street, Port Harcourt Township.

– Renovation of Port Harcourt City Council Legislative Building.

And many other projects he carried out within a year.

This is Sir Allwell Ihunda, bringing dividends of democracy to the people just within a year in office. A crystal proof that what Nigerians need at various leadership levels is a determined leader(s) who will love his people and humanity and ready to deliver the dividends of democracy to the people.

The most talked about of the Sir Allwell Ihunda productive projects remains the Skills Acquisition Programme where so many benefits are actualised such as:
Diverse job opportunities.
Employment generation.
Enhancement of activities.
Crime reduction.
Wealth creation, etc.

‘The people are glad and ready to support the dynamic Mayor of Port Harcourt’s great initiatives as he continues to deliver the dividends of democracy to the people which is a proper way to compliment the effort of Governor Nyesom
Wike in Rivers State.’ – Hon. John Amadichukwu said.

Okoye Chidiebele Stephens,
Dez Mayorz Report.
8th July, 2022.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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