Bola Tinubu’s real name is alledged to be Yekini Amoda Ogunlere from Iragbiji Osun state.

That is what is contained in his Primary and Secondary school certificates and that’s why he has refused to tender them before INEC.

The man who said his name is Tinubu Bola Ahmed also failed to notify INEC that he once changed his name. From YEKINI AMODA OGUNLERE to Tinubu Bola Ahmed. A total change of name? Why? Was he running away from a héinous crimé?

Also, someone who was in the same school in the years he claimed, also said that he never knew him being in that school at the time.

The question is: Is an Affidavit enough to prove or establish that you attended a school and initially obtained a certificate from same?

I doubt! Presenting an Affidavit is merely to show that you lost a document but not enough to prove that you once had it, or that you initially obtained it.

It’d be enough if the school you claimed to have attended sustains that claim by issuing you a Statement of Result and other necessary backup documentary evidence.

As it stands, there are many controversies and question marks on Tinubu: his name, age, educational qualification, origin, source of wealth, etc.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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