Tonye Princewill, Collyns Owhonda, Others, Joined Catholic Church Effort Thanksgiving in Eagle Island.

The 2015 gubernatorial candidate for Governor of Rivers State, Hon. Tonye Princewill together with Sir Collyns Owhonda, joined Catholic Church faithfuls in Eagle Island for a ‘Family Effort Thanksgiving’ in Church of the Ascension Catholic church, Eagle Island, Port Harcourt.

The parish priest, Rev. Fr. Francis Tete, in his sermon; charged Nigerian leaders to try new things to make Nigeria a better place.
Calls on Christian faithfuls to repent from their sins and sin no more.

Sir Collyns Owhonda and Hon. Prince Tonye Princewill made some donations in support to the ongoing church projects in the parish.

The director of Dez Mayorz Media, Chidiebele Okoye Stephens also joined in the family effort thanksgiving.

Other families who joined the family thanksgiving include; Dr. Francis Egobueze, Mr. Francis Asidike, Engr. Ugochukwu Okoli, Chioma Ihemeje, and Ezeoke Anthony.

After the Mass, the parish priest Fr. Francis Tete together with Sir Collyns Owhonda (already a Parishioner), took Hon. Tonye Princewill round the church to show him ongoing projects in the church.

Church of the Ascension Catholic church is a growing parish in Port Harcourt City, located in Eagle Island, Port Harcourt.

Dez Mayorz Report.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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