Sir Allwell Ihunda’s Administration Will Continue To Support Young Talents – Hon. John Amadichukwu.

The Port Harcourt City Local Government supervisor for Transport, Hon. John Amadichukwu has commended Sir Allwell Ihunda’s Administrative style, especially on youth empowerment and skills acquisition.
Says Sir Allwell Ihunda’s administration will continue to support young talents.

This he said when Yung Don (Music Artiste) visited him in his office to invite him to his Music concert in Port Harcourt.

“Inline with Sir Allwell Ihunda’s administration, in supporting young talents, I will support and come to your event.” – Hon. John Amadichukwu, DMOMA Awards grassroot Mobilizer of the year.

Yung Don Music concert is set to hold on 1st May at De Planet, Port Harcourt City.


By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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