Anambra 2022 Governorship Transition Is A Family Affair.

Joe C Anatune, Writes from Awa.

The main goal of the Transition Committee is to get the incoming administration of Cee Cee Soludo fit and ready to govern from day one. In addition, it will strive to ensure that the outgoing government departs in a blaze of glory. Fortunately, it is a change of power from one APGA government to another- a family affair.

In furtherance of the foregoing, the government team is led by the Secretary to Government, Prof Solo Chukwulobelu while that of the incoming administration is led by Dr Oby Ezekwesili. The two are working as one. The beauty of this extended unified team is the deliberate adoption of a fine blend of institutional memory, insights and comparative experience in proposing practical ideas that will make the journey to the liveable and prosperous smart Megacity a fruitful one for Ndi Anambra. O yes Ndi Anambra can’t wait.

Anambra State Governor Chief Willie Obiano plans to host and appreciate transition Committee members who are paying to serve the state in their next physical meeting. He was in Abuja attending to urgent state matters during the inaurguration. The Governor- Elect attended the opening ceremony and was on hand to thank members for their sacrifices during the winding up of sessions of the first plenary. He reemphasised that the transition project is a family affair and restated his high expectations from the Committee, assuring that the mantra- One Anambra, One people and One Agenda will underscore his liveable and prosperous smart Megacity vision that will be developed holistically.

In all, the seamless transition of power will ensure that Ndi Anambra continue to enjoy the dividends of democracy which APGA governments are known for. It marks a new dawn in the South East where specialised human resources are harnessed across the states in the zones to overcome development challenges and advance progress.

Having provided a clear template for problem solving to members, Ezekwesili is optimistic that her team will not come up with wish lists but people-oriented policies, projects and programmes that will help Governor- Elect take Anambra state higher and higher and bring smiles to the faces of the people.

Apparently, Anambra is poised to break the glass ceiling.

Be of good cheer!!.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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