Port Harcourt Mayor Reacts To Cultists’ Attack On Ogbunabali Computer Village.

Says he won’t succumb to threat.

The Mayor of Port Harcourt City Local Government Area, Sir Allwell Ihunda has reacted to the incessant harrasments of traders in Ogbum-Nu-Abali by Ogbunabali cultists and hoodlums.

In an emergency meeting with the traders union in Ogbum-Nu-Abali, Sir Allwell Ihunda Condemned the acts, refers such as a barbaric act.

Dez Mayorz Media learnt through Bob Abayomi
(Chief Press Secretary PHALGA) that Sir Allwell Ihunda pledged an unwavering commitment and determinion to do all that is necessary to put a stop to the indecent activities of hoodlums in the area.

The Mayor appealed to the traders to go about their business peacefully and remain law abiding also said that while it is very painful to accept their losses in good faith, they should be rest assured that the situation will never repeat itself under his watch as Mayor of the capital city, as he is determined to confront them head on.

Speaking to Dez Mayorz Media, some Ogbunabali Traders appreciated the Mayor of Port Harcourt City for having a well timed meeting with them as they anticipate he uses his office to reduce the impact of losses on them, as it will be so painful to bear the lost without help from the government.

Earlier, Dez Mayorz Media reported how unknown Ogbumnabali Cult Boys violently stormed Garrison, Port Harcourt, carted away with Computer village traders’ goods and money.

Garrison Computer dealers decry extortion by suspected cultists in Ogbunabali after heavy shooting at Aguma Junction in Garrison by Cult boys controlling the area.

Dez Mayorz gathered that the traders rejected to pay the boys another N600,000, but the cultists used force and absconded with their gadgets worth millions of Naira.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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