Rudy Rochman, one of released three Israeli has assured the Igbo Jews that their story will be told after force out of Nigeria.

President Mohammadu Buhari who have been accused of ethnic and religion bigotry in favoring his Fulani kinsmen, Muslim against the Christian, Jewish and other believers in Nigeria, under his watch arrested three Israeli who came to document Igbo Jews history in Eastern Nigeria.

Rudy Rochman, a Zionist activist, filmmaker Noam Leibman; and French-Israeli journalist E. David Benaym who were arrested by the Nigerian Department of State Services (DSS) over alleged affiliation with the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has been released.

The trio of Rudy, Andrew, and Edouard David were detained by DSS on July 9 and continues to hold the three in its custody. However, their arrest spark outrage across the globe demanded for their immediate release.

Rudy, Andrew, and Edouard David were in Nigeria (Igbo communities) as part of a documentary filmmaking effort to explore the lives and customs of Jewish communities around the world.

According to Rochman;

This was the first image we took on July 28 after our release from Nigerian DSS captivity where the @wewereneverlost team was illegally caged under inhumane conditions for 3 weeks.

Rudy Rochman, Noam Leibman, and David Benaym were cleared of all suspicissions but nonetheless deported from Nigeria and have just landed in Israel as of July 29 (20th of Av) 11AM.

Thank you to everyone’s thoughts, prayers and actions that lead to our liberation.

We were forced out of Nigeria, but the story in Igbo Jews will be told!

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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