National Orientation Agency, Rivers State Chapter Continues Her Weekly Sensitization Campaign In Port Harcourt.

– UN ambassador and security activist, Bosinde Araikpe was a guest as Young M. Ayotamuno played host.

The Rivers State chapter of the National Orientation Agency (NOA) under the directorship of Young M. Ayotamuno continues the weekly educative and sensitization campaign in Port Harcourt, tailored to develop a Nigerian society that is orderly, responsible and discipline, where citizens demonstrate core values of honesty, hard work and patriotism.

This week sensitization campaign monitored by Dez Mayorz media and other online media was focused on the need of the people to protect government properties and infrastructures.

In about an hour program, streamed live on Facebook.
The UN ambassador who is a known security activist, Bosinde Araikpe gives the masses the reasons to protect government properties and infrastructures, tells Rivers people that poverty or trying to score a cheap political point should not be an excuse for committing a crime and destroying government properties.

He said that the best way to protect the government properties is when a family train their children in good moral conducts, teachers and lecturers do their responsibilities without taking bribe; with the full support of religious leaders and the government taking care of their responsibility.
By this, citizens will own the infrastructures and they will protect it – Bosinde added.

Speaking to Dez Mayorz Media and other online newsmen after the program, the director of National Orientation Agency, Rivers State chapter, Young M. Ayotamuno said that no other organ of government has this kind of spread and capacity for public enlightenment and sensitization campaigns like NOA.

“The agency consistently raises awareness, positively change attitudes, values and behaviours; accurately and adequately inform; and sufficiently mobilize citizens to act in ways that promote peace, harmony, where citizens demonstrate core values of honesty, hard work and patriotism.” – Young M Ayotamuno added.

Rivers State chapter of the National Orientation Agency holds her sensitization program weekly which can be followed live on Facebook @ NOA RIVERS STATE.

The main objectives of the Agency, as provided in Decree 100 of 1993, are to ensure that Government programmes and policies are better understood by the general public and: Mobilize favourable public opinion for such programmes and policies.

Okoye Chidiebele Stephens,
Dez Mayorz Report.
25th June 2021.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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