The Convener, on behalf of the Stakeholders and the entire Rivers First Proponents Heartily felicitate with the Rivers First Proponent In-Chief, His Excellency, Chief Barr. Nyesom Ezenwo Wike, CON, GSSRS POS, on his successful 6yrs and 2nd yr in 2nd term in office as the Executive Governor of our beloved Rivers State.

We are proud to be associated with the only Governor in Nigeria who marks his administration’s anniversary with project commisioning and flag off, as a way of showing his scorecard to the world.

Our beloved Rivers First Proponent In-Chief, we are grateful to God for bringing you onboard to oversee the affairs of Rivers State at a time the state needed a leader like you.

Keep making us proud, even as you keep making our job of PROMOTING, PROJECTING & DEFENDING our beloved Rivers State much more easier.

Rivers First Proponents, stands with Wike yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Happy Anniversary Pride of Rivers State

Long Live Rivers State

Proudly Rivers

Bright Jossy Elendu
Convener, Rivers First Proponents.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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