Anambra International Airport: DMOMA Awards Organizers Commend Gov Willie Obiano.

Dez Mayorz Report.

The organizers of Dez Mayorz Online Media Awards (DMOMA Awards) of Excellence have commended the executive Governor of Anambra State, Gov Willie Obiano for the construction of Anambra State International Cargo and Passengers Airport in Umueri.

In a statement released in Port Harcourt City by DMOMA Awards Organizers, Okoye Chidiebele Stephens joins Airpeace boss, Allen Onyema to refer the airport as the best in Africa.

He commends Gov Willie Obiano for removing the shame Anambra people have been passing through for years by being proactive in ensuring the projects is done even within 15 Months.

“….I must commend and applaud Gov Willie Obiano and everyother person who works towards this alluring project to make a 30 years dream a reality.”

“Gov Willie Obiano has removed shame from the Anambrians, and we must commend and thank him.”

“This project is geared towards boosting economic activities and revolutionizing import and export business in Nigeria, which will create employment to the youth and attracts investors to Anambra State and the old Eastern Nigeria in general” – Okoye Chidiebele Stephens said.

DMOMA Awards is the prestigious Award institution that yearly awards people of excellence in the country especially people from the old Eastern part of Nigeria.

Test Flights landed at Anambra International Cargo And Passenger Airport in Umueri, as
Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano witnessed the test flights at the airport where the first aircraft landed on point zero six at exactly 2:15 pm, the second one landed at 2:44 pm on point two four, the third plane which is a private aircraft also landed at 3:30 pm.

The two airplanes are from the fleet of Air Peace airlines, owned and operated by Anambra-born Chief Allen Onyema, who to date, operates the only Nigerian indigenous international air carrier.

The 3rd aircraft, a private jet brought in visitors to the event.

Anambra airport which is by far the newest in the country, has two hundred meters by three hundred meters apron, sixty meter width, three point seven kilometer runway with one kilometer RESA each at both ends of the runway, a thirty four point meter control tower, the tallest in Nigeria, terminal building, car park for up to seven hundred and fifty cars, two taxi ways, safety zones, diversion channel, water station, fire station, fire station emergency road, emergy operation centre, power House, plus other security features.

Governor Obiano who described the project as audacious and revolutionary, said that it took 15 months to achieve the feat.

He remarked that the airport glows above the doom of the covid 19 pandemic, emphasizing that no money was borrowed for the project.

While positing that the dream for airport in Anambra began almost 30 years ago, starting from Oba but was never realised, the governor highlighted the vision and mission of his administration, saying that it is a direct bridge between Anambra and the world.

Truly, a greater Anambra is here with us, championed by Governor Willie Obiano.

Air Peace made a history as 1st airline to land in Anambra Airport.

Dez Mayorz Report.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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