Senegalese President Quickly Released His Opponent After A Famous Juju Man Threatened Him.

A famous juju man from Jallow, south Senega, gave President Macky Sall a serious one week ultimatum to release his key opponent,
Usuman Sonko, from detention or he will send him the bees to attack him.

Without much ado, Macky Sall promptly complied and released his opponent Mr. Sonko.

Ousmane Sonko, is a young (46) opposition politician who rose to prominence during the 2019 presidential election. He received just over 15% of the vote, finishing third, but his speeches condemning government corruption and poverty struck a chord with many Senegalese.

Given his young age and skills as an orator, observers said it likely would not be his last run for president.

But what baffles Nigerians that made them to raise serious question about Juju men in Nigeria, why they are not using their juju talents to fight the Governments to favor their masses.

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Recall Dez Mayorz earlier reported that deadly protests had erupted over the past weeks in the West African nation of Senegal.
It is considered a bastion of democracy and a regional leader on diplomacy issues. Anti-government protesters have set supermarkets ablaze and lobbed rocks at riot police in a rare display of violence on the streets of the capital, Dakar.

Dez Mayorz report.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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