Iranian cleric claims COVID-19 vaccines turn people to homosexuals.

Iranian cleric, Ayatollah Abbas Tabrizian, has said that COVID-19 vaccine turns people into homosexuals.

According to The Jerusalem Post, Tabrizian said this on his Telegram account — where he has about 210,000 followers.

He, however, did not provide any evidence to substantiate his claim.

“Don’t go near those who have had the COVID-19 vaccine. They have become homosexuals,” he was said to have written.

The cleric is said to have a history of making derogatory remarks about western medicine.

His latest remark has been greeted by criticisms, with many accusing him of attempting to “scare people away from being vaccinated.”

As of the time of writing this report, routine safety monitoring and analysis of the approved COVID-19 vaccines shows that the safety of these vaccines remains as high as expected from the clinical trial data that supported the approvals.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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