Sit at home.

Biafra: Coteck Furniture Ltd Joins Traders, Ohaneeze, IPOB, Others to Sit At Home on 1st October.

The 2020 DMOMA Award Nominee, a young entrepreneur and the director of one of the leading Furniture and Carpenter company in Southern Nigeria, Mazi Ezenwonye Chinasa Christian has joined Ohaneeze, Traders, IPOB, others to sit at home on 1st October.

This he said in Port Harcourt on Thursday through his media aide and obtained by Dez Mayorz Media.

He okays the importance of the sit at home that will take place in the entire South East and South South region (Biafra). Says him and his family, together with his entire COTECK Furniture Ltd workers will sit at home on 1st October.

Mazi Ezenwonye Chinasa Christian encourages the IPOB leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to keep up with the great job he is doing.
He also commends Ohaneeze for supporting the Sit at Home and tells Ohaneeze to pro-actively work with IPOB always.

Earlier, Dez Mayorz Media reported that the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Wednesday, advised the entire South East and South South to sit-at-home on October 1, 2020, the day Nigeria will be celebrating its independence.

Disclosing this in a statement signed by Comrade Emma Powerful, Media and Publicity Secretary, Kanu said: “We the global movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by our great Leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, wish to announce to all Biafrans, friends of Biafra and lovers of freedom all over the world that Biafrans across the globe shall observe a sit-at-home in Biafraland and where permissible in the diaspora, join our Yoruba bretheren agitating for Oduduwa Republic, in public protests to mark the October 1, 2020.

“We therefore, enjoin all Biafrans and every conscious Nigerian, especially those ethnic nationalities reeling from the triple double blow of state sponsored terrorism, bad governance and economic annihilation, to boycott every government organised ceremony designed to eulogise the failure that Nigeria has become. This is the time to let the world know how disastrously intolerable human existence is in Nigeria today.

“If you want to see an end to terrorism and organised mediocrity, now is the time to register your anger by ensuring that you and your household sit-at-home on October 1, 2020.
Do not risk the life and well-being of your children by allowing them to gather in groups in the open where terrorists may find it easier to blow them up or kidnap them. There is credible intelligence that terrorist groups are planning to slaughter our children should they venture out to celebrate or march on October 1st.
“This order is to highlight our position and resolve as Biafrans that we are no longer interested in propping up a crumbling terrorist state. The leadership of this great movement in conjunction with supporters of Biafra freedom across the globe have concluded every arrangement to let the whole world know and understand that we are no longer part of this shambolic monument to terrorism and failure.

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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