Fake News, A Threat To Nation Unity.
(By: Okoye Chidiebele Stephens).

*1. Introduction :*
Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
It’s nice to be on this unique platform of brains this evening to briefly talk on a topic :
“Fake News, A Threat To Nation Unity”

As we proceed, I pray for God’s blessings upon all of here us in Jesus’s name and Blessed Mary’s help, Amen!

2. *Brief Definitions.*
Fake news, also known as junk news, pseudo-news, alternative facts or hoax news, is a form of news consisting of deliberate disinformation, mostly aimed to discredit.

Fake news and real news can be spread via the following :
-Main Stream Media(NTA, Channels, Punch, CNN, etc)
-Traditional news media, like village PRO, Town criers, etc.
-Print Media like Vanguard, Magazines, Newyorktimes, etc.
-Online media and Digital news Media like Linda Ikeji blog, Dez Mayorz, IgbereTv, Scannews etc.
-Social Media Influencers like William Agugua facebook page, Nkiru Homann page, etc..

2b. Some people think fake news comes from online alone and not from Main stream Media, this is not always true,
Fake news comes from main stream media aswell.
Main stream media fake news is more damaging because it’s being sponsored by the government incharge. E.g. Main Stream Media reported that Ministry of Finance shared financial Paliatives to every Nigerian in a way that everyone must have gotten least 30k but , ask Nigerians if this is true if they have received the money, majority will say, fake, scam, unreliable, but the news came from National main stream media…..

3. The Topic :
The Topic said- ” Fake News A Threat To National Unity.”

My question is : Is Fake News A Threat To Nation Unity, using Nigeria as case study.?
My answer is No!
and Yes!

Why did I say so?

3b. Yes, Fake News is a threat to Nigerian unity especially with the fact that Nigerian is merely united, due to tribal and religious polity. Nigeria is patching to get united but actually not united.
Right now every Tribe in Nigeria is fighting for her tribe benefits and not for Nigerians.

Fake news affect the masses mentality and the way they relate to their fellow Nigerians. e.g Nigerian main stream media postulated Igbos as those who cheat during business, but studies has shown that this is not true. Igbos (Southern Nigeria) are very reliable when it comes to business. That’s true. Likewise other tribes.
But the fake news have already make some people not to do business with Igbos freely.

3c.No! , Fake news is not a threat to a country like Nigeria.
Because majority of our political leaders are not responsible, they don’t care. Be it real or fake news, they don’t care, so it will not affect their decision and policy.
If you like tumble the whole Country, the leaders won’t decide accordingly.

E.g. Nnamdi Kanu led IPOB have been calling on the Nigerian government to address Nigerians live with newsmen to prove he is alive, but for over two years now, no live press briefing from the Nigerian Federal government have been done.

4. Information : I must say that most of the news you see on reliable Online media platforms and main stream Media are real and credible news.

Some news are controversial and not yet proven, the fact that is not yet proven doesn’t make it a fake news.
And such news always come from online platforms.
E.g. Dr. Stella Emmanuel testimony on COVID-19 cure and drugs using Hydrochloquine.
We all know the story.
Main stream media consider this as fake news and didn’t report it because their channels might be banned, but online bloggers reported it because it’s fact even if is yet proven.

Will you say that such report is fake news when evidence are there?
You answer for your self.

4b. How to detect fake news :

1. Develop Critical Mindset.
2. Check the Source. Is that source being given you credible news?
3.Has anyone else picked up on the story? What do other sources say about it?
Avoid limping into conclusion.
4.Examine the Evidence
A credible news story will include plenty of facts – quotes from experts, survey data and official statistics.
5. Most importantly, use your common sense.

5. My Points Exactly.
– The Effect of Fake News on Nigeria’s Democracy within the Premise of Freedom of Expression.
It’s the government that suffers it most, the fake news are mostly sponsored by political opponents.
But still they don’t actually care.

-In Nigeria, before the advent of social media, people rely on the conventional media as their reliable and trusted news source. Controlled by Western Nigeria (Yoruba).
Now, Even the Main stream Media are being accused of fake News, e.g. USA president, Donald Trump calls CNN fake news.

– Real or Fake News don’t really have effects on the Nigerian System of government. The politicians don’t care, and always stick to their plans and not to please the masses.

-Fake news only raises tension in the polity
and lead to rise in tension among the populace and sometimes create unnecessary crisis among different cultures and religious beliefs.(the crisis is among the masses ooo, the government in Nigeria will still continue with their police after the crises, it doesn’t concern them.)

*-Fake news is evil*
Fake news affect the trust in the communication system of a country. For instance when authorities disseminate information people tend to think the information is fake too.

-Fake news does not have any impact on government.

*6. Way out.*
-Awareness should be created so as to enlighten people who use the social media to avoid spreading unverified information.
– Have a particular indigenous online Media platform you trust for Information, apart from the main stream media.

-Social media should propose ways of reducing post of unverified information

*7. Conclusion.*
We are in digital age where almost all our information comes online.
Don’t allow the government, the media, me, or anyone decide what you assimilate.
You decide on what is fake and real for you accordingly.
We are in the world that we don’t know what to believe anymore.
May the Holy Spirit lead us into the whole truth always. Amen.

Thank you for patiently reading. Remain blessed.

-Okoye Chidiebele Stephens.
Dez Mayorz Media and ICT. (08035586768).

By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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