Chukwudi Dimkpa

2020 Is A Year Of Survival Not For 2023 Campaign – Chukwudi Dimkpa tells Nigerian politicians,  elites and leaders.

The director of Strata Base Ltd, Engineer Chukwudi Dimkpa has called on Nigerian politicians to help people around them to be alive and survive this difficult pandemic and post pandemic period, by giving them helping hands and Paliatives to survive and create jobs where possible.

This he told Dez Mayorz Media during a media chat with Online Media newsmen in his D-line office, Port Harcourt.

Below are what he said on 2023 elections, Gov Wike’s multiple flyover, Chinese loan and Engineering :

…On the current unemployment increase in Engineering discipline in Nigeria, if NSE are doing the right thing? 

“The beauty of Engineering is that it’s so versatile, you can apply Engineering principles to virtually everything.

As an engineer, I was appointed into Advertising Agency….I worked with RISAA from scratch when nothing is allocated to that agency, and we did great job there. The results are there.”

“As an Engineer in another company, I was moved into security sector when the company was having security challenges, and I restored normalcy in that sector, so Engineers are flexible. You can do anything as an Engineer.

“There is unemployment in every sector, not only in Engineering”

– Chukwudi Dimkpa said as he Commends the recent NSE executives….

On Rivers State Government Projects and multiple flyovers in Port Harcourt. 

“Holistically, It depends on the Government’s plan in a particular area.

For example, I saw the devastating nature of Abual road on news…. So the question is if the government needs the #18b fourth Flyover or fixing the Abual road instead. That boils down to the plan the government administration want to achieve.”

“I don’t see the reason for the fourth Flyover when Abual road is very devastating and needs urgent fixing. If it goes well with their plans, no problem.”

On China loan and Ministers of Finance and Transportation role…. 

“Anyone calling for the resignation of the Minister of Transportation, Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi is an illiterate even if the person passed through school walls.

Ministry of transportation doesn’t sign loans, Ministry of finance does.

The Railway construction is among the main projects of President Mohammadu Buhari administration.

The Abuja to Kaduna railway and train stations is world standard. I made a video of it and People were like, ‘is this Nigeria? ‘

The ministry of Transportation are doing a great job.”

On the rumour that it might go for Rivers State gubernatorial election in 2023….

“Eeeh eeh!, this is 2020, it’s a year of survival. Everyone needs to survive first and ensure People around him are alive and healthy and not to talk about 2023 election. Nigerian leaders and elites should help people to survive this period and not 2023.” -Chukwudi Dimkpa said.

The lion of Youth impact also okayed DMOMA Award 2020 and urged Nigerian youths to learn a skill and add to their school certificates to help them survive the current situation in the world.

Dez Mayorz report. Thanks for reading.

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By Dez Mayorz

Am Flamboyant. Oku!

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